Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

I've done 2 races they were the Litwick and Porygon ones...
Bidoof hunt started before they did -.-

You call this a shiny? I'm slapping whoever made it.

You so lucky :)

also what is this potato thing I can sell for 10,000 points...

Porygon T at level 84 with Potato battery after waiting 5 days.

Now to get Raikuo.
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Do what?

You get Potato Batteries from hatching Porygon, I just got one.
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I just do it. There is no secret to it. I guess using hot keys helps.
I've done 2 races they were the Litwick and Porygon ones...
Bidoof hunt started before they did -.-

considering you don't have a limit on the amount of Litwick eggs or Porygon eggs you can adopt from the shelter, and you get multipliers... Obv it would be easier to hatch a shiny, it would also be easier if you put your Pokemon into your PC and has a full party of 6 Bidoof eggs, and used the Mobile Walker, too.

Also Blue Stone get.

Aracanine took too many drugs...
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So to get Porygon T you need to hatch a **** ton of Porygons for that funky battery item?

Or buy it in the Backroom.

If I get another one in these 500-600 eggs I need to hatch for Hatching Insanity. I'll PM you when I'm about to sell it?

Hacthed 936 Porygon... 564 left...
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But the backroom doesn't restock every time an item is sold. So you might be there a while and you'll need 15,000 points.

And any extra Shiny Porygon I obtain from now and hatching insanity will be sold in the GPX shop for 500 TBT Bells each.

Also posted an update in the shop if you'd like the check that out.
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