Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Its an achievement.

He knows that.

@Aeri; Because Magikarp only nees like 1,240 maturity to hatch, so it is adopted lots in the shelter. In addition most Magikarp adopted wont be at least an hour old, so I will need to wait until xx:12 or use a flame orb. I also have hatched nearly 1,000 Porygon so there is not point starting again on Magikarp...
He knows that.

@Aeri; Because Magikarp only nees like 1,240 maturity to hatch, so it is adopted lots in the shelter. In addition most Magikarp adopted wont be at least an hour old, so I will need to wait until xx:12 or use a flame orb. I also have hatched nearly 1,000 Porygon so there is not point starting again on Magikarp...

Ah lol. Gunna follow your example for Shiny Porygon/Battery and the achievement.

Is a Ditto + Porygon match up the best I can do d'ya think Jake? Or could I do better?
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Ah lol. Gunna follow your example for Shiny Porygon/Battery and the achievement.

Is a Ditto + Porygon match up the best I can do d'ya think Jake? Or could I do better?
Umm, since Porygon has no gender. I guess you could do that, but I'd try sometime like you said Porygon + Ditto, then I'd try something in the Mineral egg group (ie, Rogennrolla [sp?] or Onis (which has the same amount of maturity as Porygon)) then see which gives the better result. However... Ditto + Porygon will only produce Porygon eggs and will most likely produce eggs slower... Porygon + XXX Will produce Porygon and XXX eggs and will most likely produce eggs quicker.

Just fiddle around until you get a comfortable breeding pair.

However, I was breeding Ditto + Lunatone for TBD and they did seem to produce 2 eggs every hour or two. The decision is really up to you.
And I can see your ditto is level 20 and Porygon-Z is level 8... The closer the level the more they breed. So keep that in mind, too. That's really all I can say.

and by follow your example of achievement.. Do you mean get hatching insanity.. If you do don't do Porygon, go to your Dex > click completion stats down the bottom right corner and look under "Most Obtained Eggs" and "Most Obtained Pok?mon" The ones that are the highest and very similar are what you have hatched the most of - so use that. I'm doing Porygon because I have obtained 936 Porygon eggs and 937 Porygon.
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I just got a Plume Fossil from the under ground.. grr I need Lustrous Orb and Lunar Wing...
Gunna stick with Porygons. Purely because I like them and because the only other pokemon I could do is either Gulpin or Riolu. Niether interest me atm