Pokémon Pokemon Go Eeveelutions Trick


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2013
So found this out today, it appears to work anyway.

If you're evolving an Eevee and would like a specific Eeveelution, all you have to do is rename your Eevee before you evolve it.

If you want Vaporeon, rename Eevee to "Rainer"
If you want Jolteon, rename Eevee to "Sparky"
If you want Flareon, rename Eevee to "Pyro"

Then just evolve it as normal.

Should work.
Apparently it only works for the first time you evolve an Eevee to that specific Eeveelution though.

Let me know if it works for you :D
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heard of this, however I never get to find Eevees... so I'm just waiting on trying for Vaporeon
this is fake, you have to look at the last move the eevee has. dig=vaporeon, body slam= ? idk the rest but it is based on the last move. and the nicknaming thing does not work for all your eeveelutions, it's just a coincidence.
this is fake, you have to look at the last move the eevee has. dig=vaporeon, body slam= ? idk the rest but it is based on the last move. and the nicknaming thing does not work for all your eeveelutions, it's just a coincidence.

Thats fake so idk why you keep saying its real.
this is fake, you have to look at the last move the eevee has. dig=vaporeon, body slam= ? idk the rest but it is based on the last move. and the nicknaming thing does not work for all your eeveelutions, it's just a coincidence.

That doesn't even work.
Oh cool. Reference to "The Battling Eevee Brothers" from the Gen 1 anime.
this is fake, you have to look at the last move the eevee has. dig=vaporeon, body slam= ? idk the rest but it is based on the last move. and the nicknaming thing does not work for all your eeveelutions, it's just a coincidence.

Velour, that is fake, as everyone else has noted. I evolved an Eevee with Swift (which was supposed to be Jolteon) and it turned into a Flareon. I haven't been able to try out the naming tactic, but from everyone I've heard, it works for the first time you name it whatever.
i apologize for my misunderstanding, i wasn't very educated on the eeveelutions. i read it somewhere and people seemed to agree, i apologize. no one seemed to correct me until now so i thought i was correct. i tried evolving an eevee with this method and it did not work, so it isn't 100% correct, although i now understand that the method i thought worked was completely wrong.

posted this elsewhere but it is real, all of my friends said it worked for them too.
I've actually tested it, along with other people. It does indeed work.
However, I've seen "Rainer" spelt in two ways.
Also as "Rainier"

We have a huge community together and I've seen it happen multiple times at our park. So yeah.
I'm 2/2, have gotten flareon and jolteon from this easter egg. i've heard rumors you can only use the trick once per evolution form, though... anyone know if this is true?