Pokemon: Role Play [CLOSED]

Sabrina had a huge grin on her face after she nailed that Pokemon. "Good job, Sabrina," I said sarcastically. "If that's such a huge accomplishment, try at least catching one."
"Save your sarcasm. I'd love to see you catch one without a Pokeball." I growled. Oh yeah, did I mention I have a bad temper? No? Well, I do.
I twirled and shot Marco a triumphant face. "Are the two other Zigzagoon here?" I asked Marco, looking around. Maybe Joseph and Akira's pokemon chased them away?
Joesph and I then ran towards Marco and Sabrina.

"We took out the other two." I exclaimed with a smile on my face.
"Yay!" I exclaimed. I turned to the professor, who looked amazed and shaken by the battle. "Are you okay, Professor?"
"No, you won't. Geez, you're as pale as a ghost. I bet those Zigzagoon didn't like you, so they attacked." I accidentally began to make all these conclusions on what happened.
I sighed. "The main reason why a Pokemon would attack like that is if it feels threatened. And him being associated with collecting Pokemon and all...I'm not very surprised!"
"Yeah, but those Zigzagoon were definitely overreacting!" I exclaimed. "I mean, we don't even know what the Professor was doing."
The Professor spewed between breaths, "If you want, I m-might be able t-to tell you. Once we get b-b-back to my l-lab."
I nodded frantically. "C'mon Professor." I put my arm under his and began to walk him towards Littleroot.
We walked around Littleroot for a while. After a while, we reached the lab. Once we came in, we sat Professor Birch down on a chair. The rest of us stood, and I asked, "Now, what's the deal with those Zigzagoons?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Hey, where's DeviousCrossing? He's online, but he isn't doing anything...)
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OOC: I don't know. Sometimes people go inactive while still online.

IC: "Yeah, why were they chasing you?" I asked, hoping to figure out how to deal with Zigzagoon.
Professor Birch began, "I was out to get more information on this particular Pokemon. I thought I was well hidden. But one of them spotted me. I ran back towards Littleroot, but they ganged up on me. Soon they got my leg, and I was desperately limping away from them. That's when you came in. I owe you folks a great deal."
"That can wait. So, basically, you hid and the Zigzagoon attacked? How odd." I replied. "Normally, Pokemon hardly notice us.
I told Sabrina, "Well, he said there were multiple Zigzagoons, so I guess there was one behind him that reacted and got the other's attention. It's always a possibility."
"I guess that makes sense. What matters is helping the Professor with his leg." I told Marco. I turned to Birch and said, "How badly does your leg hurt?"
The Professor looked up. His color was returning, but he still looked miserable. "They got it pretty good," he replied. "I can walk on it, but it's not in the best condition."