my favorite shiny story is actually the very first shiny I ever got, a Golbat in Omega Ruby.
I was using the DexNav for shiny Absol and after getting in like a 400+ search level I gave up for a little bit and went to Victory Road to do some grinding. then ofc the very first pokemon that shows itself to me is a level 40 full-odds shiny Golbat. I did manage to catch him, he's now a shiny Crobat named Ajax

(in case you're wondering, I got the Absol like 3 days later. she's absolutely amazing)
I have a few others as well:
- I do shiny chaining in Let's Go Eevee, I've already gotten two Ponytas and an Eevee. but I recall one time when I booted up the game and a solid 3 minutes later a shiny Doduo popped up (I didn't have a chain at all so it was basically full-odds). I think I named her fuzzball or smth lol.
- I was chaining for a shiny Absol in Pearl (in case you didn't know Absol is my favorite shiny) and I found one after a chain of only 25, but then I killed it on accident. I still hate myself for that cause I've tried twice more and can't find another one without breaking my chain

(I even caught it on video cause I really hate myself lmfaooooo)