Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

So sad that ash-greninja can't breed

It's good in a way so no multiple
But I wanted the froakies

Oh well gotta wait for pokebank then

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Though I got emboar today so I can breed tepig
SOS Chaining for a Salamence right now. Got extremely lucky and got the 1% Bagon encounter in just a few minutes after running through the grass. I figured that this would be faster than trying to just raise a Bagon to level 50 given how slow leveling in this game is, though if I encounter a shiny Bagon before the Salamence then I guess I'm stuck doing that anyways. :p
Sweet, just caught my level 12 Salamence for the Pok?Dex. I also caught it in a Dusk Ball so I'm saving this thing for when I want to get a shiny Bagon from MM. Also, I just made a connection between the only two places where you can find Bagon in the game, if you all want to hear something cool.

"Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day." Bagon, Pok?mon Y

"The cells within its shell transform with explosive speed, preparing it for evolution. Shelgon, Pok?mon Sun

So in the first patch of grass where you can find the 1% Bagon, it is on top of a grassy cliff on Route 3 overlooking Kala'e Bay on the right side of the cliff. If you look just below the cliff on Route 3 where the Bagon are at there is another patch of grass in Kala'e Bay right below you. This patch of grass is the second place that has Bagon in it. So the Bagon on Route 3 are jumping off the cliff and onto the beach below them (just like their Pok?Dex entry).

That isn't all though. The Bagon in Kala'e Bay have a chance to call Shelgon when you encounter them, meaning that the Bagon have thrown themselves off the cliff so much that they are mutating into Shelgon on Kala'e Bay (again, like their Pok?Dex entry). Finally, when the Shelgon evolve into Salamence they are finally able to fly back to Route 3 with their friends (where you can encounter them in Bagon SOS battles).

So Bagon throwing themselves off of cliffs because they want to fly and mutating into Shelgon isn't a new thing, but hey really put a lot of detail into Bagon's encounters into this game. Bagon jumps off cliff, evolves into Shelgon, then the Shelgon evolves into Salamence which then flies back to its old cliff - and the player can see and encounter all the stages of this cycle in the game itself. Is there anything else like this in any other Pok?mon game?
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I'm already breeding 5IV Mimikyu. If I hatch a shiny, I'll keep it for my team. The others are being Wonder Traded.

I don't mind if you want some too. Its Adamant nature BTW.
I'm already breeding 5IV Mimikyu. If I hatch a shiny, I'll keep it for my team. The others are being Wonder Traded.

I don't mind if you want some too. Its Adamant nature BTW.

Coincidentally I plan on breeding for a shiny Mimikyu as soon as I get the shiny charm. I already have a breeding parent set up with four egg moves, Jolly nature, and a Love Ball. I just need to get the IVs now. Good luck on getting your 5IVs!
I'm already breeding 5IV Mimikyu. If I hatch a shiny, I'll keep it for my team. The others are being Wonder Traded.

I don't mind if you want some too. Its Adamant nature BTW.

yooo shiny mimikyu is pretty cool! Good luck on hatching one!

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Also, a question: is there a place where you can loop around to hatch eggs fast like Lumiose in XY or the Battle Resort in ORAS?
yooo shiny mimikyu is pretty cool! Good luck on hatching one!

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Also, a question: is there a place where you can loop around to hatch eggs fast like Lumiose in XY or the Battle Resort in ORAS?
Umm, the Park next to the Poke Center in Royal Avenue is close enough, except that you have to circle around it this time using the circle pad.

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Get in the spot affront of day care where the fence it's a bit broken and use tauros and spin it!!!!
That works too. Has anyone tried the Festival Plaza?
Get in the spot affront of day care where the fence it's a bit broken and use tauros and spin it!!!!
needing some help deciding the last spot on my team for completing the story...

my current plans: incineroar, sylveon, raichu, lumantis, and mudsdale.

because i don't have a water type, i'm leaning towards my 6th being some form of a water type. i have greninja from the demo, but i'm thinking about using mareanie (or toxapex once it evolves). i was also thinking umbreon, but incineroar's got some of the dark moves covered....any other suggestions?
You know I really wish there was the vs seeker or any other way like the chatue :/
A way to rematch trainer and get exp and not by the battle buffet or wild Pok?mon
Nor elite 4
needing some help deciding the last spot on my team for completing the story...

my current plans: incineroar, sylveon, raichu, lumantis, and mudsdale.

because i don't have a water type, i'm leaning towards my 6th being some form of a water type. i have greninja from the demo, but i'm thinking about using mareanie (or toxapex once it evolves). i was also thinking umbreon, but incineroar's got some of the dark moves covered....any other suggestions?
You could try going to a Milotic. And please don't pick Mareanie. That'll just leave your team very weak to ground.

I just hatched a 6IV Mimikyu. Now I can do better in breeding. Yippee!
I'm so unmotivated to keep playing tonight. I need to level up two of my pokemon at least 6 levels to just get them to the same level as Totem Lurantis. I've defeated all the trainers I can and leveling up fighting wild pokemon takes ages. I know it can't be helped but I just needed to complain about it lol ;3;

On the bright side, after I beat Mallow I'll finally be able to capture my little Bounsweet c:
yooo shiny mimikyu is pretty cool! Good luck on hatching one!

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Also, a question: is there a place where you can loop around to hatch eggs fast like Lumiose in XY or the Battle Resort in ORAS?
The infinite loop was found!

Ok so I'm fighting in a double battle with Hau and he sent out Primarina and I have Alolan Sandslash out and we are on the same team and the he uses a Z-move and apparently he used it on me because it knocked out my Sandslash and didn't even hit the opponent wtf?? And I just googled and it's not a hit all opponents move so?????

I bought this game on release and play 2 days non-stop and then I spend Sunday watching football and I have not played it since. Not sure why my attention span is so bad. This applied to every game I have ever bought in the last 6 years.

I have only begun to finish the 4th Lurantis trial.
Ok so I'm fighting in a double battle with Hau and he sent out Primarina and I have Alolan Sandslash out and we are on the same team and the he uses a Z-move and apparently he used it on me because it knocked out my Sandslash and didn't even hit the opponent wtf?? And I just googled and it's not a hit all opponents move so?????


Maybe the game knew you hate Hau or something? I don't know. I find it weird Hau attacked you like that out of the blue when they had made the Ais much smarter.