i love my zebras
Ah, ok! Cool, thank you! I am assuming I should wait to take them on though, my team is only level ~25 ; v ;
Yeah...ultra beast are post game
Ah, ok! Cool, thank you! I am assuming I should wait to take them on though, my team is only level ~25 ; v ;
Yeah...ultra beast are post game
Anyone know what are the chances in finding a Mimikyu in that old store?
I have Tsareena too and she is very strong![]()
My team right now is primarina, raichu, gumshoos, tsareena, mimikyu, and talonflame. I will probably switch out my gumshoos for either lucario or jangmo-o and my mimikyu for froslass
- - - Post Merge - - -
Tsareena is a total beast though. I love her so much, although she was a real pain to catch when the bounsweets kept calling for help.
K, think this is my final team! Need to find Stufful, Bounsweet and Sandshrew still but I think I'll be ok for now with Brionne, Pikachu and Cubone:
Hmm, I forgot about Mimikyu (HOW COULD I) - debating now if I should have Mimikyu or Alolan Sandshrew... Which do you think is better?
Ahhh, I was trying to catch a Metapod and I think it called in like 12 Caterpies before I could capture it... ; v ;
Bewear is great <3 Be sure to get one with Fluffy, that makes it so much better! I wish you good luck on finding Stufful tho, it's a 5% encounter-rate and it took me like 30 minutes to find one with fluffy and a decent nature (but it was all worth it in the end and proved it be a very reliable member of the team!)
I really like sandshrews design, but its typing makes it 4x weak to fire and fighting, two commonly used types. But, it's great offensively like most ice types are. I use mimikyu because its fairly quick and the ghost and fairy types are my favorites. I might switch it out just because I love froslass's ice typing.
You should get Mimikyu ‹3