Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Awww dang, that sucks. So how do I recruit them? I have the ten BP. Aha.
The article doesn't give me much info. Aughh. Thanks for the link!

After the battle you should get the option to recruit the trainer. I'm not sure if there's a limit or if you can only have one at a time or what. I've only done three battles in the tree lol
200 eggs of one of the ociricio and no shiny yet... I know it take time and blah blah
And my longest has been 1,252 but still :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

Here's a link: http://serebii.net/sunmoon/battletree.shtml
Not sure if you can get Blue, I haven't seen anything about it. I would think not since he and Red are the "masters" of the tree but who knows, maybe you can recruit one of them.

also since when can arcanine learn close combat???

Since close combat existed and put arcanine in the same egg group with lucario and zangoose
Does anyone know a site where I can see a Pok?mon's encounter rate and stuff like that? I have been trying to hunt for a Relicanth and Sharpedo for my Alolan Dex but I cant seem to get one :/ (I'm searching in the right spots)
Since close combat existed and put arcanine in the same egg group with lucario and zangoose

I've never once seen it in all my years of playing online, and yet here Blue has it. Maybe I should look into it since Dig is no longer a TM...
Does anyone know a site where I can see a Pok?mon's encounter rate and stuff like that? I have been trying to hunt for a Relicanth and Sharpedo for my Alolan Dex but I cant seem to get one :/ (I'm searching in the right spots)

i think sharpedo is an sos encounter
Does anyone know a site where I can see a Pok?mon's encounter rate and stuff like that? I have been trying to hunt for a Relicanth and Sharpedo for my Alolan Dex but I cant seem to get one :/ (I'm searching in the right spots)

i think sharpedo is an sos encounter

Nope. Sharpedo is a regular fishing encounter, with a 1% chance being fished up, and a 10% chance being fished up from a bubbling spot - same thing for Relicanth, 1% regular, 10% bubble spot.
I've never once seen it in all my years of playing online, and yet here Blue has it. Maybe I should look into it since Dig is no longer a TM...

On Gen 6 I seen some few people have that move on arcanine so for me it's was casual... though dint battle blue I went for red because I like the classic and because I treat blue like a jerk
Does anyone know a site where I can see a Pok?mon's encounter rate and stuff like that? I have been trying to hunt for a Relicanth and Sharpedo for my Alolan Dex but I cant seem to get one :/ (I'm searching in the right spots)


Every single encounter table for every area in the game, just click the drop down box and pick a place. Relicanth and Sharpedo have a 10% encounter rate if you fish in the bubbling spots in their respective areas. If there are no bubbling spots, leave and exit the area. Once you do find a bubbling spot, save right in front of it and reset the game each time it isn't the Pok?mon you want.

Keep going guys, I believe in you. It took me 2,290 eggs to get a shiny Mimikyu with MM and Shiny Charm. Just keep going and you'll get what you are hunting for eventually.
Look at what hatched!!!!

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For those of you who have been successfully shiny hunting in SuMo, have you found it faster and/or easier to find shinies via SOS or Masuda method?
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S.O.S is by far the easier method. 100+ eggs was very lucky for Mareanie, I went at least 400 in with Rowlet to no avail (yet).
For those of you who have been successfully shiny hunting in SuMo, have you found it faster and/or easier to find shinies via SOS or Masuda method?

I think it depends on luck in all honesty. I managed to find my shiny Rockruff after only a half hour of chaining.
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How's it feel not having hatch power everyone? :)

Have you actually hatched eggs in these games yet? Coming from a person that has hatched 2,290 eggs for a shiny Mimikyu in Moon and 10,000+ eggs in OR it feels as if Hatching Power lvl. 3 is on all the time.
Have you actually hatched eggs in these games yet? Coming from a person that has hatched 2,290 eggs for a shiny Mimikyu in Moon and 10,000+ eggs in OR it feels as if Hatching Power lvl. 3 is on all the time.
No but I am about to. Funny you mention shiny Mimikyu because that is what I will be going for!

Any tips would be nice btw
No but I am about to. Funny you mention shiny Mimikyu because that is what I will be going for!

Any tips would be nice btw

While on Tauros, run in circles to the left of the Day Care Girl until you get a full party of eggs. You'll know she has an egg for you when she crosses her arms. Once you get a full party of eggs, get off your Tauros and go through the broken fence that is just in front of her. Get back on your Tauros once you get in there, and run in circles while holding down the 'B' button. This will make you run in an infinite loop as long as you keep moving the circle pad around, and you won't accidentally run into any tall grass as you keep the game in the corner of your view while doing other things.
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does it make me cool if i got a shiny rowlet on the first soft reset--
also team moon
also i got a shiny pikipek at 150 encounters
currently im hunting zubat bc shiny crobat is a doll <3

but my shiny rowlet is my baby and i love him ;w;