how come even my mother has a shiny pokemon and i still haven't gotten any shiny legit pokemon that doesn't comes from PKHeX? im shameful omg
how come even my mother has a shiny pokemon and i still haven't gotten any shiny legit pokemon that doesn't comes from PKHeX? im shameful omg
A sad life isn't it? ;-;Don't worry I tried breeding which I'm still am
And the s.o.s mechanic
I still have 0 shiny
A sad life isn't it? ;-;
how come even my mother has a shiny pokemon and i still haven't gotten any shiny legit pokemon that doesn't comes from PKHeX? im shameful omg
It's a very sad life when in my file of y I have over 50 shiny![]()
Don't worry I tried breeding which I'm still am
And the s.o.s mechanic
I still have 0 shiny
Congrats :] how many encounter did you battle with Mimikyu?
Are you SR'ing the game after you hatch the eggs? There's a new quirk in egg generation in Sun and Moon that determines what variables the egg will have even before you collect them from the Day Care Lady. So if you save the game, collect five eggs, hatch those five eggs, then reset the game after to collect a different batch of five eggs... those new eggs will have the exact same abilities, IVs, gender, and shiny value as the ones that you just reset over.
I've been doing so much ally chaining for shinies. So far I've gotten:
and Pichu.
Kinda want to go for Eevee next, but Magnemite is pretty neato...
So I can't be the only one who finds it strange that Cynthia is the only recurring character in SM that didn't receive a redesign, right? We have Wally as well, but we already saw him get remade in the last games... not to mention out of all the characters that have returned, Cynthia is probably the one that warrants a makeover more than the rest of them with that black fur coat that she is wearing. Maybe they are saving her redesign for Gen 4 remakes?