Duality of Man
Eh, Bulbapedia still lists Pok?Bank as having an annual fee and not a monthly fee. If they changed it to a monthly fee Serebii.net and Bulbapedia definitely would've said something and updated their pages on Pok?Bank. Even the Sun and Moon site states that it is available through an annual fee of $4.99 a year: http://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/en-au/pokemon-bank/
Being someone that bred massive amounts of Pok?mon trying to get shinies, Pok?Bank was really invaluable to me for mass deleting 30 boxes of breedjects at a time by deleting/creating new save files on a second cartridge. Considering how slow it is to start up a new save file on Sun and Moon though, I'm not sure if bank will ever be useful for doing that anymore when it updates. It also looks like bank is being updated to have the National Dex in it when it updates as well, RIP DLC for Sun and Moon lol.
Being someone that bred massive amounts of Pok?mon trying to get shinies, Pok?Bank was really invaluable to me for mass deleting 30 boxes of breedjects at a time by deleting/creating new save files on a second cartridge. Considering how slow it is to start up a new save file on Sun and Moon though, I'm not sure if bank will ever be useful for doing that anymore when it updates. It also looks like bank is being updated to have the National Dex in it when it updates as well, RIP DLC for Sun and Moon lol.