Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Eh, Bulbapedia still lists Pok?Bank as having an annual fee and not a monthly fee. If they changed it to a monthly fee Serebii.net and Bulbapedia definitely would've said something and updated their pages on Pok?Bank. Even the Sun and Moon site states that it is available through an annual fee of $4.99 a year: http://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/en-au/pokemon-bank/

Being someone that bred massive amounts of Pok?mon trying to get shinies, Pok?Bank was really invaluable to me for mass deleting 30 boxes of breedjects at a time by deleting/creating new save files on a second cartridge. Considering how slow it is to start up a new save file on Sun and Moon though, I'm not sure if bank will ever be useful for doing that anymore when it updates. It also looks like bank is being updated to have the National Dex in it when it updates as well, RIP DLC for Sun and Moon lol.
Never heard about it turning into a monthly subscription, not sure why they would change it to be like that either tbh.

It could just be a new payment method, I'm not sure.

Makes sense, I mean most of us only used pokemon bank once a year anyway! Try and get it if you can, the price is not very high for the service they provide. Most games don't have transfer over to new generations, or even new games at all.

I used it a lot to sell Pokemon on here that I bred in other Gens. It was also great for transferring old event Pokemon I could trigger in the games. $10 for a year was a really great deal tbh.
Oh! Wow!! I sure hope so! Q o Q Because what I really want the most are a Litwick and Gothita. I rather go through the trials of evolving them on my own. Also of course there are tons of other ghosties and psychic pokemon I want. T v T

You can actually get both of those in Sun/Moon with the Island Scan function. :) Just in case you can't find anyone to trade with.
I went back to AS for a little bit, just to clear out some breeding and prepping for the mass transfer. Figured I should get something to sweep Blissey bases when I transfer everything over for the possibility of breeding.
I need to go back and refinish X version so I can have access to the end-game and do some shiny hunting in it. There are a few shinies I can only find the non-Masuda way in this game so I gotta get them before bank!
I think one thing that we can all agree on is that Sun and Moon has the dankest memes of any generation of Pok?mon.

did some wondertrading earlier and found a pokemon with this name as their OT...,,

"Hunt shinies in the fields! Hunt shinies in the hills! Hunt shinies in the streets! You must never surrender!" - Nat

its becoming my new obsession.... and I'm dabbling in EVs for the first time, all to kill that freaking battle tree

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did some wondertrading earlier and found a pokemon with this name as their OT...,,

Ive been wonder trading haunters out in order to celebrate my shiny cutie fly... I don't think you want to know the nicknames I've been giving them.

and someone just sent me their like well-rounded competitive mimikyu.... lol
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I didn't enter this because I don't care about these new gens of pokemon (pokemon became a thing around 4th grade for me), but you jav a heart of gold for doing this giveaway!
Just found the shirt I wanted but now I learn it is exclusive to Sun. Welp, back to the drawing board.

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NO. My top 4 favourite shirts are all Sun exclusive. Guess I'm going for a white colour scheme instead.
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Did anyone else notice that the weird sound is caused by opening the menu? I thought it was just a random part of the music but it isn't!