Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Must have owl and ash greninja must get demo
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A new evolution stone called the ice stone has been revealed/leaked

Serebii.net ‏@SerebiiNet 14m14 minutes ago

Serebii Picture: Ice Stone revealed on Spain Pok?mon Sun & Moon website http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
Still choosing Popplio!!! Brionne is so cute!!! Torrecat too!!! The only one I'm not sure about is Rowlet's evo but I think they all look great!!
They all actually look pretty cool. A lot better than the xy starter's 2nd evo LMAO!!!

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still going with Litten :3333
I don't remember a float stone.

The eyes on popplio evo2 are incredible...but I can't tell if incredibly good or stupid.

Owl evo2 is the egotistical child down the street with a cool hair style.

And then evo 2 cat is...bigger cat.
STARTER EVOS!! I legit squealed when I logged onto Serebii. Omgomgomgomg this is the first gen where I legit LOVE all three of their evos so far! The final ones will make the final choice! I legit could pick any starter and I'd be happy so far!

Demo!! With this demo, that will be my deciding factor on shall I get the game? All those special things to level up your Pokemon's stats and cook drinks for them. Jeez they are really working hard with these games! Such an improvement from lackluster XY. I am really happy with this set of news! C:

Okay so lets compare the Starter evolutions to the leaks. First we have Dartrix:

The name kinda hints to the evolution because it contains the word 'Dart', and darts are similar to an arrow. Now appearance:
Dartrix 1.jpg
Rowlet Evo.jpg
Dartrix share quite a similar resembelence to the leaked evolution. The hair can look quite similar to the hood and I can see it turning into the hood. Now it's this pose that does it for me:
Dartrix 2.jpg
Dartrix looks like it's opening it's wings to attack with the Razor Leaf, which is similar to how the leak uses it's wing as a bow then feathers as an arrow.

Torracat 1.jpg
Litten Evo.jpg
Not much can be said about Torracat apart fron the head shape. The whiskers look very similar to the leak which could prove the legitimacy. But there is one thing that stand out:
Torracat 2.jpg
Its the tag on it's neck; it flares up when attacking similar to how the leak has the belt use fire to attack, not to mention how similar they look in appearance.

Brionne 2.jpg
Popplio Evo.jpg
I think Brionne looks the closest out of the 3. The design looks very similar to the leak and is what I would expect to the pre-evolution to a siren. Here's something that stands out:
Brionne 1.jpg
The 3 rings things around its body seem very similar to the leak. Although not in the same place, the leak has 3 rings too: one above the tail flippers, one on the waistline and one on the shoulders. The eyes and tail flippers are also similar in design, slowly taking shape into the leaked evo.

One question I want to know is that what happens if you breed Bond Battle Greninja? Will Froakie and Frogadier have Torrent then the ability changes to Bond Battle upon evolving. And does Ash-Greninja get treated like a Mega Evolution and gain a total of 100 base stat increase?

EDIT: This is why I think the leaks are true:

Dartrix is extremely sensitive to other presences in the area and can detect opponents behind it and throw feathers to strike them without even seeing them. This Pok?mon conceals sharp-bladed feathers inside its wings, showing astounding precision as it sends them flying in attack. And it goes beyond propelling its blade quills in simple straight lines—it can even bend these feathers to change their trajectories! Revealing a certain snobbiness in its personality, Dartrix cares a great deal about its appearance, grooming its feathers in every spare moment. In truth, it’s also a bit of a birdbrain, with a tendency to bungle things up. Once it makes a mistake, it sometimes gets into a desperate struggle to gloss over the situation and ends up making a bigger mess than ever. At times, this Pok?mon feels so bothered by its dirty or ruffled feathers that it can’t focus on battle. When it loses its focus, it sometimes even retires from the battle on the spot! It’s up to each Trainer to help Dartrix overcome this troublesome stage. If this Pok?mon is with a Trainer who helps it through, its strength will grow hugely!

The bell-like object attached at the base of Torracat’s neck is a flame sac, an organ that can produce flames. Torracat’s emotions cause a rise in the organ’s temperature, and when the organ spits flames, it rings with the high, clear sound of a bell. Torracat attacks using the flames emitted from this bell. Torracat’s mane serves as an excellent sensory organ, and it can sense what’s going on around it—even in the dark! It can also detect the presence of hidden enemies. Torracat has a great love for battle and will attack so relentlessly that its opponents lose the will to fight. And yet it sometimes behaves like spoiled child in front of Trainers or Pok?mon with whom it has built a relationship of trust. The cat punch that this Pok?mon can dish out with its strong forelegs is extremely powerful. It can bend iron bars and knock out large men with a single blow!

Brionne learns its dances by imitating the other members of its colony. It sometimes even learns dances from humans. This Pok?mon is a hard worker and pours itself into its efforts until it has memorized each dance. As it dances, Brionne creates balloon after balloon. In battle, it first sends its opponent into disarray with its dancing, and then slaps its balloons into its target, causing the balloons to explode and deal damage. Brionne can dance in perfect time with others, even if they have only just met. On moonlit nights, you can sometimes see throngs of Brionne dancing as one, in perfect fluidity. Brionne always acts cheery and positive. Even when it’s feeling sad, this Pok?mon doesn’t allow its sorrow to show. It’s said that Brionne will only reveal a sad expression to a Pok?mon or Trainer to whom it has opened its heart completely.

Sharp bladed feathers? Fire bells sack and able to bend metal bars? Dancing in the moonlight? Sounds a lot like an archer, wrestler and siren to me.
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If those leaks are real then I am getting Litten for sure. Idc if it's a "furry" standing on it's two legs. I really like the design
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If the starter leaks are real, I'll be stuck between Rowlet or Popplio. I'm leaning more towards Popplio, tbh. Figures that the starter I didn't like from the beginning would be the one I'm picking. Lol
If those leaks are real then I am getting Litten for sure. Idc if it's a "furry" standing on it's two legs. I really like the design

I am offended by this statement. XD Hahaha! Just joking a bit now, guys.

I have to be honest, didn't expect the Ash-Greninja thing actually ocurring. I denied myself thinking that would happen. And I still think all 3 starter pokemons are cool looking. To be honest,I'm still going Popplio, because I want to specialize in water pok?mon like Misty or Crasher Wake.

Also there has not been a game where I don't start with a water pokemon as well. So I'll keep up my training with water pok?mons.
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I am offended by this statement. XD Hahaha!
Was it the furry part or the fact that I like Litten's final evolution? xP

After seeing fennekin's evolutionary line before xy came put I was really hoping Litten wouldn't have the same fate but it I think they did alright. :p
They kinda overdid it after Emboar aka ManBearPig on fire