Pokémon Pokemon Sword or Shield?

Pokemon Sword or Shield?

  • Pokemon Sword

    Votes: 24 50.0%
  • Pokemon Shield

    Votes: 17 35.4%
  • Pokemon Sword & Shield

    Votes: 7 14.6%

  • Total voters
I said both, but i'll only get both if Wooloo is not an exclusive.
I?m getting both (pre-ordered the double pack for 20% off) but I prefer the Shield design
Both so I can trade with my other Switch. Yesterday I changed the preorder for the bundle.
I play the first game in the title so it will be Sword.
before the legendaries were even announced, i wanted Pokemon Sword. that's still the case. i like the way Zacian looks way more than Zamazenta
I think both legendaries look pleasant, but either way I'd pick Sword since swords are cool. At the same time it probably wouldn't matter either way since I don't use legendaries in my teams much at all.
I also don't even have a Switch yet but it's nice to imagine that eventually I might. :D
Both of the legendaries look so good, but I'm maybe leaning more towards Shield. Might wait to see the version exclusives though.
I was gonna get Pok?mon Shield but with the news that not all Pok?mon are in the game I kind of not want to buy it anymore. I find this unacceptable from a franchise as big as Pok?mon. They have the resources and isn't it the point to form bonds with your Pok?mon?! How am I supposed to grow bonds with my old Pok?mon if I can do nothing but leave them behind lmao pathetic Gamefreak I'm sorry
If I have to choose based on the legendaries, I have to go for Pokemon Shield. I am not a fan of how the sword legendary holds a sword in his mouth. Just bothers me.
At the moment, I would go with Sword, but maybe change my decision depending on which Pokemon are available in which version.
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I'm going with Shield, mainly because my sister wants Sword and she doesn't want us to get the same game, which is fine with me. Shield's legendary looks cooler anyways.
This thread reminds me I need to ask my brother which one plans to get so I can buy the opposite one. Coordinate with your friends and family appropriately!
Don't own a Switch, but knowing me and my brother I'm probably gonna end up with Shield. At any rate, my brother is getting the other, so at least I won't be completely locked out.

This thread reminds me I need to ask my brother which one plans to get so I can buy the opposite one. Coordinate with your friends and family appropriately!

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I was planning on buying Shield used later (due to national dex and other issues I have with the game), but Sirfetch'd has singlehandedly changed my decision and I will go ahead and buy Sword (still used, but I swapped versions haha)
I pre-ordered the double pack of Sword and Shield. My department manager at my store told me that before the actual release, they hype up one game, before releasing the real surprises for the one that they're not hyping up. I haven't heard much about Sword, so that's the one they're going to reveal something special about. I hope he's right, that would be cool. I can't decide which copy yet to give to my boyfriend - it'll be his Christmas gift!