Could you give an example of what you're looking for?Looking for an advanced breeder to breed around 6 Pokemon for me.
I dunno if I can offer exactly much but I can offer powersave services with ease...although Alpha Sapphire's stuff is quite minimum right now compared to X & Y, I can get you any Item/Megastone you'd like, that includes Master Balls and Battle Points items.
still looking for these!!Looking to trade a zangoose for a serviper
lileep for anorith
and also trading treeckos for a mudkip and torchic
PM me if you can help me out~
what happened to my ralts u ****Looking for a Modest Mew or Alakazam with Synchronize as well as as Adamant Umbreon. I can pay TBT bells for them or I can trade other pokemon.
Still looking to catalog Legendary Pokemon's data in the Pokedex.
I promise that I will give them back.
Bruh I was waiting on IRC for you so we could trade </3still looking for these!!
what happened to my ralts u ****![]()
Bruh I was waiting on IRC for you so we could trade </3
Still looking for a Magikarp (which I can't get atm, and none are popping up for wondertrade.) and Gengar c:
Looking to trade a zangoose for a serviper
lileep for anorith
and also trading treeckos for a mudkip and torchic
PM me if you can help me out~
how does the trade work exactly?
May anyone please give me a spare female Eevee? I want to have a Sylveon!~
I would prefer her nature to be modest. Much help would be appreciated. ; u ;