What game, Grawr?
I'm playing Ultra Sun, but basically any game can transfer up nowadays, can't it?
Yes, any game can transfer all the way up to US/UM with a paid (I think 5 dollars or even less) subscription to Pokemon Bank. If you still need a Koffing, chet_manley or I can probably trade one to you. Chet already has a live Pok?dex, so it would probably be easier if he found one and traded it to you. I’m still working on my Pok?dex so I cannot afford to trade away any Pokemon at the moment. .-.
Looking for a Pok?mon in the Togepi line. Don't care about IV's or anything, as long as I can breed it and it isn't Japanese it's fine. I intend on using it for a shiny Togepi![]()
Hope this is the right thread for trading in Let?s Go Evee/Pikachu. I?m looking for someone to trade my Haunter with so i can evolve it.
Are we allowed to request Let's Go Trades here? If yes, then I have Let's Go Pikachu. I'm willing to trade Growlithe for Vulpix, Oddish for Bellsprout, Grimer for Ekans and Mankey for Meowth. Growlithe, Oddish, Grimer and Mankey are the current LGP exclusives I have (I'd need to catch another Sandshrew before I ask for Koffing).
Due to the game's code system, please PM me if you're interested so no one can openly sneak into the trade by knowing the code.
If anyone got a shiny groudon (smusum games, gen 7) I can pay some tbt for it, just lemme know your price.