• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Looking to trade TBT bells for a Mewtwo. Please PM me if you can accommodate.

Is there a particular version of Mewtwo you want? I can get one once I finish off the E4 and champ (I'm about to face them in fact).
I need to have pokemon traded/traded back for evolution. would anyone please do this for me? I'll pay TBT bells.
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Thanks a lot man!

I'll pay 100 TBT Bells for the all 6 though, you deserve it haha. :blush:

Okay, but I'll need to do the trade tomorrow as I still need to catch four Pokemon, and Mewtwo Y before I can do the trade. You're welcome. :)
I am looking for Power Items and Assault Vest. Please PM me if you are willing to trade them. I can offer some mons, items or TBT bells.
I need to have pokemon traded/traded back for evolution. would anyone please do this for me? I'll pay TBT bells.

I'll help you for free if you haven't received help with this yet

edit: Got you added now, if your still looking for aid.
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I can trade bp items for perfect 5 iv pokemon. Tell me what pokemon you have, and we can work something out.
Anyone have a Houndoominite or a Aggronminite?

Im willing to give a male level 1 newly hatched Eevee Adamant nature with 5 perfect iv's in HP, ATK, DEF, SP.DEF, SPD. It also has the move "Wish" if anyone is interested.
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^ I wouldn't mind one if that's ok.

Gotta sleep now so will see tomorrow but I would prefer it to have max IV's in everything but attack.
Just so you know, they are all in eggs; but I'll see what I have.

edit: Only have two. 13/31/31/31/31/31 and 28/31/31/31/31/31, but I'm holding them [one is for a friend, the other I'm probably gonna use for breeding] sorry. Eevee (M) - Quiet, Adaptability, 31\31\31\13\31\31 you can take this one if you want though.
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Looking for an Adamant Beldum with 5 perfect IVs like; 31/31/31/XX/31/31

I'll trade multiple things for it; Shiny Relicanth, Shiny Wobbuffet, Protean Adamant Kecleon with Disable, Recover, Fake Out and 31/31/31/XX/31/31 IVs, Gale Wings Adamant Fletchling with 31/31/31/XX/31/31, and maybe something else that I can't be bothered to think of
I have a few more than a dozen 5 31 IV Lavitar with Jolly nature. Most have 31 IVs in Sp. Attack instead of Attack, but if you want one for breeding (to get an ideal Lavitar) I want other 4-5 IV pokemon. Any

Also have an extra 5 31 IV Kangaskhan, Adamant Nature, Early Bird
31 IVs in HP, Attack, Defense, Sp.Def, Speed
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im IV breeding abras w/ magic guard if anyone is interested!

i would really like a hidden ability goomy with good IVs, but if someone wants an abra, i'll take other pokemon with good IVs too
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Please PM me if you have a Fennekin, Delcatty, or Amaura you can trade me for TBT bells or ACNL stuff. Thanks <3
Helpppp I restarted my game and I really need a Modest and Naive Synchronizer...please PM me asap. IVs and EVs don't matter.

Mewtwonite X for both.
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