Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

I'm looking for a shiny Galarian Zapdos from the 2022 SwSh Pokemon International Challenge distribution.

I have the following event Pokemon available to trade in return:
* 2011 shiny Entei - Wi-fi Distribution. I EV-trained this mon and leveled it up a bit so it's level 37 instead of 30, but it's otherwise untouched (still has the original moveset).
* 2013 shiny Dialga - Gamestop in-person distribution
* 2013 shiny Genesect - Japanese Extremespeed Genesect - in-person movie event
* 2016 shiny Xerneas - Pokemon Fates Collide distribution
* 2017 shiny Tapu Koko - Shiny Tapu Koko TCG tie-in
* 2010 Jirachi - Wi-fi Distribution
* 2012 Darkrai - Dark Explorers Tie-in distribution
* 2013 Keldeo - Second Chance Event distribution
* 2013 Genesect - Japanese Pokemon Center in-person distribution
* 2014 Darkrai - Japanese Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie - Pre-Order Event
* 2014 Diancie - Japanese Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie - In-person theatre event
* 2015 Hoopa - Hoopa & the Clash of Ages tie-in - In-person McDonald's distribution
* 2016 Mew - Pokemon 20th Anniversary - Gamestop distribution
* 2016 Jirachi - Pokemon 20th Anniversary distribution
* 2016 Meloetta - Pokemon 20th Anniversary distribution
* 2016 Volcanion - Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Tie-In - Gamestop distribution

I also have a pretty big selection of nicknameable shinies and rare Pokeball mon as well. Some examples include:
* Shiny authentic Sinistea in a luxury ball
* Shiny male HA Sandslash in a dream ball
* Shiny male Feebas in a dive ball
* Shiny female Galarian Ponyta in a luxury ball
* Shiny female Scyther in a friend ball
* Shiny female level 100 Primarina in a pokeball
* Shiny level 100 Tsareena in a love ball
* Shiny female level 100 Mawile in a love ball
* Shiny female level 100 Gardevoir in a moon ball
* Shiny male level 100 Swampert in a dream ball
* Shiny male level 100 Charizard in a luxury ball
* Shiny female level 100 Arbok in a moon ball
* Shiny male level 100 Umbreon in a moon ball

I have many more things than I've listed here, so feel free to ask if there's something in particular that you're looking for. I have at least one of every type of Item Printer rare Pokeball (including apriballs, dream balls, sport balls, safari balls, and master balls) up for trade as well. I'm available to trade in either Sword and Shield or Scarlet and Violet, just let me know which one you prefer and what mon you might be interested in!
I know this is probably a shot in the dark but here goes...
I don't know how many people still play Pokemon Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon or if anyone will even see this post in the first place but I am looking for some version exclusive Pokemon for my Pokedex.

I need...
Alolan Sandshrew & Alolan Sandslash

If anyone can get any of these Pokemon for me please reach out and please let me know what you desire in return
I know this is probably a shot in the dark but here goes...
I don't know how many people still play Pokemon Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon or if anyone will even see this post in the first place but I am looking for some version exclusive Pokemon for my Pokedex.

I need...
Alolan Sandshrew & Alolan Sandslash

If anyone can get any of these Pokemon for me please reach out and please let me know what you desire in return
hello again c:
i could get you those pokemon! i prefer tbt but if you’re short on tbt, i’ll also accept collectibles of your choice 🎉
Looking to trade tbt for a shiny Mew if it is possible for Pokemon Violet; otherwise a regular Mew is fine 🙂.

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Looking for a Murkrow in BDSP(wonder trades aren't wonderful), willing to trade Pearl exclusives like Misdreavus and Teddiursa

Edit: Found a Murkrow through wonder trade after beating half of Sonic 2, still looking for BD exclusives in general, still trading SP exclusives
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Looking to trade tbt for a shiny mew if it’s possible for Pokemon Scarlet if not a regular mew is fine
Because I missed out on the mew event when you could get a mew from a code
Hello , looking to see if someone will help me evolve my Finizen to a Palafin in Violet. Since it only evolves while in multiplayer. Or if someone has a Palafin for trade.
Hello , looking to see if someone will help me evolve my Finizen to a Palafin in Violet. Since it only evolves while in multiplayer. Or if someone has a Palafin for trade.

Heya! I can log on and help you with this if you still need it. Let me know and I'll send a DM.
I need an Alolan Vulpix I can trade my Alolan Sandshrew from my Let’s go Pikachu game pls I really wanted Alolan Vulpix as it’s my favorite alolan form also I’m playing lets go pikachu as I realized that alolan vulpix is let’s go eevee exclusive and also I want a meowth as well hehe tysm!
Hello i was wondering if anyone still plays Pokemon Shield cause i was hoping someone can help me evolve Porygon and Seadra cause ever since the Shiny Meloetta event i've had this urge to complete my Shield dex in the mobile version of Home but there's just one thing that's bothering i have a spare Porygon2 and a Kingdra but when i checked to see if it worked their spots were empty so hopefully if anyone can help me it'll work this time. Thanks in advance ❤️ Oh if its helps my IGN:Brittany and i'm on the East Coast
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I need a Cranidos and Cramorant for my Violet DLC dex. I can trade HA pokemon or mons for your own dex, just let me know what you're looking for~ :)