Shop PokemonCenter w/ Events, Shinies, Legendaries, and More! (UPDATED)

do you think we can sort out a trade for your uncloned gengar?

i have for offer, 4 different 2nd olleh charizards w/ kor tag w/ proof
as well as the full pika set w/ heart w/ proof w/ either timid/hasty/jolly natures
do you think we can sort out a trade for your uncloned gengar?

i have for offer, 4 different 2nd olleh charizards w/ kor tag w/ proof
as well as the full pika set w/ heart w/ proof w/ either timid/hasty/jolly natures

are the olleh also uncloned and what are met date in pikas?

mm great, so want to do one olleh vs your gengar?
also do you want to buy the other 3 off me? i'm quitting pokemon and i need to get rid of this stock : _ :

i would love to but i dont have alot of tbt ;-;

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what oklehs do you have and what kind of proof?
heya! have you added me? i've been busy, i'll go catch 2 pokemon for the pokemon i ordered! i'll pay.. hmm before or after? which do you prefer?
heya! have you added me? i've been busy, i'll go catch 2 pokemon for the pokemon i ordered! i'll pay.. hmm before or after? which do you prefer?

hey, i am sooooo sorry coukd we trade a bit later i have school again i am soooo sorry i have horrible memory
heyy im charging my 3ds then i'll trade okie? also should i pay the TBT before or after?