Cycling Pokey Cycling ♥ Moving: ~ ♥ New: ~

If we're allowed to reserve more than one villager, can I call dibs on Penelope and lurk for Olivia?
@Hyasynth - sure thing! Penelope's yours c:
@Elc1992 - sure c:
@Puffytogi - Okay, I'll add you to the list
I made a mistake and Skye's in boxes but she's reserved for my bf but at the same time I don't know if he can take her yet so I might need someone to hold her for me.
Lurking for Portia, since I need her. I screwed up and wasn't able to get her from someone else's town, so maybe I'll have better luck here.
Bump! The giveaway for Skye starts right now! 2:30am CST

Post "Haha yay!" and "Skye!" to enter!