i'm a wolfbear
I need a poop-knight of honour!
I can also do dat role.
I need a poop-knight of honour!
I can be the jester. I have to fulfill my doodies though.
Well, I'm usually the butt of a lot of jokes so it should be easy.
May I ask what are my doodies as a Poop High Knight of the Pooptagon table?
You have yet to be approved. You must complete a quest that has not yet been created for this title.
You have yet to be approved. You must complete a quest that has not yet been created for this title.
How about everyone who wants to be a knight/squire starts off as a grunt and must fulfill quests to raise their ranks?
Why did Alice make poo smelly?
So deaf people could enjoy them too.
What's the opposing kingdoms name?? Since we have to make an army, I'm assuming there's another kingdom.
Urine for a fun time with pee kingdom.