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Poor Cyd and Megan


Local Eurovision Fan DA-3870-3754-4899
May 6, 2016
Sautéed Mushrooms
Matryoshka Doll
I had absolutely no idea they were also new New Horizons villagers and don't have amiibos either
Poor forgotten Cyd and Megan, they're probably the rarest villagers of them all xD
They’re definitely underrated. I have said this a million times and I’ll say it again: Megan is just as cute as Sherb IMO but there’s a HUGE popularity gap between the two. Maybe it’s a combination of my bias against goat villagers and my neutral opinion towards bear villagers...

Cyd is also one of my favorite elephants: I can’t believe we had to wait so long for a cranky elephant tho.
Never been a huge fan on bears and elephants myself so can see why. Though I found Cyd on a mystery tour within my first 10 villagers and loved him. He was great, probably my fav elephant now, but eventually let him go in search of different crankies.
you’re right, it’s hard to remember that there are other new villagers besides Raymond and Audie and Sherb sometimes! I think Megan is adorable and if she had an amiibo card I would try to get it.
Cyd's pretty cool. I almost replaced my Angus, who's my favourite villager, with Cyd since he showed up at my campsite once and I could just get Angus again later using his Amiibo Card. But then Cyd was like "Actually, what if I replaced Sherb?" and I was like, nah-ah, bro, better luck next time.

And Cyd was never heard of again.
I like Megan, if I wasn't going for an all squirrel and rabbit island. I'll have her and some others (like Flurry, Apple, Hamlet, Broccolo, Freya, Vesta etc..) there.
I had Cyd but didn’t care for him. I gave him to my friend who is cycling villagers. I never was a fan of elephants or bears. One or two elephants may be growing on me though thanks to @xara’s adorable screenshots and enthusiasm about them ^.^. Megan might be growing on me a little; I have been interested in Nate for awhile.
I had cyd in my campsite yesterday. I don’t know why but I just didn’t feel like he would be someone that I would connect with iyswim 🤔 I have Raneigh and I want to like her ? Might give it a while as she was one of my originals.

Megan I adore 🥰 she is my cute purple care bear. She is a sweetie and I don’t think she gets the credit she deserves. Definitely under rated IMO 💜
honestly megan is cute. cyd is okay but not great. that being said, i understand why they aren't popular, they're not as universally cute as sherb, raymond, judy etc who are all very popular
Megan was my island's initial normal. TBH, she was cute, but just kind of... blah. I was STUNNED to find out she was new, though. I assumed she was one of the ones from the first game that disappeared after that but was brought back. She just has such a simple design she didn't strike me as new!

And Cyd is pretty cute, I like him. BUT I like a lot of other crankies a lot more.
The game's main demographic is young females, so the OMGOSH ITS CUTE AND ROUND are obviously going to dominate. Sherb and Dom are not that interesting to me at all, but I know they will 100% eclipse Reneigh, Cyd, etc. simply cause the simple, cute designs that are the best thing ever for most young girls. It is what it is.

Then you also got the whole popularity ball rolling aspect to. Nobody really cared about Merry to some streamer got people to mass vote her. Now suddenly everyone loves Merry and thinks she's the best thing ever. A must have. Blech, I really dislike this cat's raise to fame. At least Raymond, Sherb, Ankah, etc. had it before someone popular begged their fanbase to rank her high so now you got a bunch of false love for this ugly cat that merely exists cause of false popularity turning into false love. I don't got beef with the ones who always liked her, but she is the most obvious case of people band wagon for a villager based on perceived popularity which was heavily influenced by a streamer leading to the unpopular cat going from forgotten to everyone's must have and always loved cat.

It's also why most Jocks don't get love. Sweaty muscle heads ain't really what a little girl wants. It even effected Audie with her Fitness hobby. People legit dropped her for "working out" cause you know... that's like the worst thing ever to happen like ever.

This all creates a popularity monarch ruled by the whims of young girls that easily swayed by what's popular which among them is cute and cuddly types. There's nothing horribly wrong about it, but it does cause this mundane and predictable "everyone loves Sherb, Dom, Merry, Ankah, etc." circle cause that's what is trendy.
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Then you also got the whole popularity ball rolling aspect to. Nobody really cared about Merry to some streamer got people to mass vote her. Now suddenly everyone loves Merry and thinks she's the best thing ever. A must have. Blech, I really dislike this cat's raise to fame. At least Raymond, Sherb, Ankah, etc. had it before someone popular begged their fanbase to rank her high so now you got a bunch of false love for this ugly cat that merely exists cause of false popularity turning into false love. I don't got beef with the ones who always liked her, but she is the most obvious case of people band wagon for a villager when she legit was a nobody before the streamer/poll thing happened.
THIS. This is the reason why I DON’T like popularity polls. People who have a higher position can influence the general public on something and everyone else gets drowned out. I know that Roald got skyrocketed to top tier because an influencer hosted a “giveaway” in which participants HAD to vote for Roald to enter. Guess which penguin stayed top tier for months? I also know that someone did a charity event in which when someone voted for Erik some money would be donated: a worthy cause but it dilutes the impact of the polls. Even outside of AC: there’s a HUGE problem going on with minecraft because a very popular MC YouTuber basically won over a bunch of children with the hopes of being followed in exchange for votes for an extremely boring mob. I just don’t like online polls in general: like who you like and don’t like who you don’t like.
Megan is one of my favourites! She's adorable and looks very nice in almost every single outfit I dress her up in! When the new characters were all revealed, I actually hated them all, but now I have 3 of them in my town (Megan, Reneigh, and Sherb), and I actually love Megan and Reneigh the most. I'm planning on getting them all though! Including Cyd :) He looks badarse
But sexist and ageist 🤪 I know a lot on her
The game's main demographic is young females, so the OMGOSH ITS CUTE AND ROUND are obviously going to dominate. Sherb and Dom are not that interesting to me at all, but I know they will 100% eclipse Reneigh, Cyd, etc. simply cause the simple, cute designs that are the best thing ever for most young girls. It is what it is.

Then you also got the whole popularity ball rolling aspect to. Nobody really cared about Merry to some streamer got people to mass vote her. Now suddenly everyone loves Merry and thinks she's the best thing ever. A must have. Blech, I really dislike this cat's raise to fame. At least Raymond, Sherb, Ankah, etc. had it before someone popular begged their fanbase to rank her high so now you got a bunch of false love for this ugly cat that merely exists cause of false popularity turning into false love. I don't got beef with the ones who always liked her, but she is the most obvious case of people band wagon for a villager based on perceived popularity which was heavily influenced by a streamer leading to the unpopular cat going from forgotten to everyone's must have and always loved cat.

It's also why most Jocks don't get love. Sweaty muscle heads ain't really what a little girl wants. It even effected Audie with her Fitness hobby. People legit dropped her for "working out" cause you know... that's like the worst thing ever to happen like ever.

This all creates a popularity monarch ruled by the whims of young girls that easily swayed by what's popular which among them is cute and cuddly types. There's nothing horribly wrong about it, but it does cause this mundane and predictable "everyone loves Sherb, Dom, Merry, Ankah, etc." circle cause that's what is trendy.
Exceptionally sexist and ageist 👿 the whole demographic is not young females.

Let people live and enjoy the game as they want to. You sound very judgemental.
As for the “popularity monarch” swayed by young girls?? Audie is one of the most popular and as I have said before she doesn’t work out more than any of the other characters.

Everyone has their own favourite. Yes some go after populars but that is a choice and if it makes them happy 😊

Ok I will stop ranting. 💜💖
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Cyd is fantastic. I'd take him if I ever came across him. His style matches mine.
If I’d know that I could have got him for you😪🦇
But sexist and ageist 🤪 I know a lot on her

Exceptionally sexist and ageist 👿 the whole demographic is not young females.

Let people live and enjoy the game as they want to. You sound very judgemental.
As for the “popularity monarch” swayed by young girls?? Audie is one of the most popular and as I have said before she doesn’t work out more than any of the other characters.

Everyone has their own favourite. Yes some go after populars but that is a choice and if it makes them happy 😊

Ok I will stop ranting. 💜💖
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If I’d know that I could have got him for you😪🦇

It is not sexist or ageist to know the main demographic of a game. You're quick to point fingers, aren't you? Something like League of Legends is heavily tailored for teenage to young adult men and they make up a large demographic of that game. That's why the most popular or best selling champions/skins are heavily gifted females wearing skimpy clothing. Animal Crossing was made mostly for young girls. That's why Sherb and other super cute and simple designs are the best, well received characters. Pokemon was also made for kids and strongly focusing on simple shaped characters for large targeted demographic appeal. Clefairy was the initial mascot but dropped cause they knew boys were less likely to love something pink, so they went with the yellow lightning rat instead to garner more of the audience they were appealing to which was young boys. I struggle to see how you can accuse someone of mentioning the demographic and how that shapes the popularity as sexist and ageist.

I play Pokemon and Animal Crossing despite not being the main targeted audience anymore. Your accusations are pretty uncalled for.

Audie was popular, but there was even threads on here discussing people changing their affection towards her cause she works out. This was shared amongst many posters and she even shows up in the thread hot to not. Working out, sweat, and weight lifting isn't something most young girls like or align themselves with at this point in their life. They rather see Dom running like a plane or Sherb eating a lollipop. Personally I like a mix cause the game really struggles in making any of the characters feel even a sliver unique so having one that weight lifts more often and one that runs like a airplane more often helps make them feel a tiny bit different from each other. But it's no shock Fitness is the least liked Hobby in the game. This trait has lessened Audie's popularity cause it strays from the what many players relate to.
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I have Cyd on my island I love him so much. I would take him any day over Raymond.

I also think Megan is quite cute.
Reneigh is not so popular either :ROFLMAO:

The only 2 I actually like among the new villagers are Judy and Raymond.

I've had Sherb for a short while but for some reason we didn't click.
I've had Audie but I just don't like her...a peppy has to be very special for me to like them. 😌
Never had Dom, though I did find him on a mystery island and passed.. there are several other jocks I'd rather have (genji, rudy, kid cat) and I'm also not a fan of the sheep (except for pietro).

Elephants, horses and bears aren't among my preferred species either 😓