Poorly describe the villager above you!


Certified Dark Horse
Jun 2, 2023
Yellow Star Fragment
Green Crescent Moon
Space Whale Plush
Green Crescent Moon
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
So, some of you know that Pocket Camp has villager descriptions on some of the loading screens and when you view their contact profiles. They’re short, and are usually somewhat humorous or relate to who they are in a unique way.

In this game, create your own “Pocket Camp” description of the villager above you. It can relate to their looks, personality, or even your own made-up lore. Afterwards, post the name of a new villager for the next user to poorly describe.

EXAMPLE: “Lolly likes to endlessly list the positives of every individual she meets. That could possibly explain the commas in her eyes.”

I’ll go first…

He's too lazy to care about fashion trends, hence the pink blossom tee.

Zucker's next.
Zucker loves to eat chocolate ice cream. He even stylized his own hair to match the fudge he drizzles on his favorite delicacy. Some say he suspiciously reeks of chocolate, but the rumors don't faze him.

Angus might get pretty angry easily, but he’s got a soft, tender side hidden under that. You might say he’s like a rare steak. But don’t say that to him, or he’ll probably get mad.

He is very iconic. So iconic that you really can't think of anything other than that he is the best eagle ever.

Grizzly has never caused a single forest fire. He knows very well that he's the only bear that can prevent them.

Whitney is a very classy and tasteful wolf. In fact, her favorite flowers are blue roses... Good luck befriending her.

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He is very iconic. So iconic that you really can't think of anything other than that he is the best eagle ever.
Damn right!
Mitzi's book collection once got so out-of-hand, that she tripped over five stacks when going to grab a snack! Fortunately for her, she doesn't have much on her agenda other than finishing them.

Retiring from fighting after a horrible loss to Ryu, Ken’s new life is being a ninja. Or, at least, he wants to be. Just don’t bring up Street Fighter around him.

Ironically, T-Bone doesn't like to eat meat. For him, being a vegetarian is difficult when he's named after a type of steak.

"Cookie" is actually her nickname; her real name is unknown. She got it from her parents, who poked fun at her love for dog biscuits. The nickname became associated with her to the point where her parents forgot what they named her when she was born.

Kiki could never understand why the other villagers blamed her for their own bad luck. Turns out, she reads a ton of wizard fantasy novels. It definitely does not have anything to do with her appearance, right?

Punchy has always wished to become a jazz musician, but has never managed to get a hand together. People often doubt a cat's ability to play the saxophone.

What many don't know about Petri is that she's responsible for maintaining some of those animal robots. If it weren't for her, they would all go haywire!

This cranky kangaroo might or might not be a former pet of the late Mickey Rooney, yet only known by his surname.

Shari frequently got lost at concerts, so she decided to dye her arm and leg fur yellow to stand out to her friends. Let's just say it wasn't the best idea ever.
