Possibly an odd question...


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Do you ever think there will be a version of AC that is 'fully' 3D, like instead of being limited to a fixed forward facing camera angle on the island, we'll be able to use the joystick to rotate view fully, like in houses and in other games I've played? Or do you think the fixed camera angle is something here to stay forever in AC? Love NH but probably the one major upgrade I can think of for future games. Would appreciate feedback, thanks!
I think as video games continue to evolve it will be a necessary feature for AC to keep up. You can already rotate the camera indoors, so it shouldn't be a giant leap for them to implement it in the next AC game.
Kind of like how the camera works inside your house in game? Maybe one day... I could see it getting a little disorienting though. I think a lot of games have non-fixed camera angles and having a fixed one is kind of iconic to Animal Crossing though.
I feel that the top down-3/4 view that Animal Crossing has had for the 20 something odds years is too iconic to change now. It would kind of be weird getting used to a fully immersed 3D world like the over-world games like Mario Odyssey/64/Botw ect.
I wish that was an option! Sometimes I play other games for a while so when I come back to AC and can't rotate the camera I get genuinely confused and keep hitting the buttons to turn the camera 😅 it would add so much to the game!
i don't know whether or not it will happen, but i personally hope it doesn't. i think the fixed top-down view is too iconic for the series to change it. not to mention that i'd get kind of annoyed having to rotate the camera while chasing, say, the agrias butterfly. no thank you. non-fixed cameras are a pain. (whether that's fixed perspective or fixed to whichever direction the character's facing.) i already lowkey miss the more pronounced rolling log view from the older games.
I'm not sure if they'd change it or not - it may partially be a design/gameplay choice. That said, games like Zelda also used a somewhat similar topdown camera and eventually transitioned to 3D, so anything is possible.

I think it may also be a graphics/hardware limitation thing. For instance, right now they don't need to render all the different angles of everything you see outdoors.
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It’s one of the reasons I like animal crossing tbh. I can’t play Minecraft for too long without feeling sick from dizzyness. I think all style of games have their place in the world so I wouldn’t necessarily view it as outdated. With that being said they may implement in future games and I’m sure they have to design things in a specific was as to not be too overwhelming, so I do see it as a possibility.
I feel like the camera being fixed is more of a design thing than a technical thing. Like, they have specifically designed the game to work that way rather than just not wanting to have a rotating camera, the game is sort of designed around it. That said, I wouldn't be opposed to it necessarily, but I feel like they would have to change the design of the game to match it and it might not "feel" like a main game Animal Crossing because of that.
Honestly I wouldn’t like that. I know what you are saying, but I feel like it might complicate things. The camera like that sounds like the Sims camera.

I would love if they gave us options of roaring houses and such, but keeping the same camera angles.
It’s one of the reasons I like animal crossing tbh. I can’t play Minecraft for too long without feeling sick from dizzyness.
Same here. I had to put My Time at Portia away because the camera made me feel sick. With all the running around you do in AC, especially when trying to chase bugs, that would be a big problem.
im hoping for vr animal crossing in the future although i also get motion sick very easily 🙃 hopefully vr tech will have greatly improved by that point. ps4 vr was unplayable for me but the oculus 2 was fine, so i have hope
I actually really hate cameras that you have to move yourself. I find moving it annoying.
i’m not sure if something like this would ever be implemented into animal crossing but i’m certainly hoping that the answer is “no” — at least, where overall gameplay is concerned. putting the fact that i don’t really care for 3D games aside, i can imagine that a non-fixed camera could make gameplay a bit difficult for some during moments such as when you’re trying to catch a bug, like @daringred_ mentioned. however, i definitely wouldn’t be opposed to an outside rotating camera view for when you’re trying to take photos. i know that in new horizons we have the mailbox trick but being able to rotate the camera for photo taking purposes while outside or in a building such as rs would be neat! i wouldn’t want it for anything except that, though tbh. 🥴
Not having to move the camera is what makes AC so accessible to younger children.

My 3 year-old son is able to navigate the island, speak to villagers, dig up fossils, etc... no problem.

As soon as he tries to play a game which requires camera control as well, he's out.
Hopefully they add this at some point in the series.
It would bring so much to the game.
Imagine towns/islands/whatever where buildings dont all face the same way and we can make winding paths where you can actually see your character behind cliffs.

It would be so awesome
I really hope that doesn't happen because I like the fixed camera angle and it's iconic to the series. If it became 3D then I'm sure I'd get used to it but it would be weird to have an 3D AC game.
I think it may also be a graphics/hardware limitation thing. For instance, right now they don't need to render all the different angles of everything you see outdoors.

I would like to point out that games like Mario Odessey exist and are made specifically for the switch and have fully 3D worlds. Other examples include but are not limited to Monster Hunter Rise, Dragon Quest XI, Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town, and Zelda Breath of the Wild.

It is absolutely not a graphics/hardware limitation thing.
I do think that a 3D experience is the "next step" for Animal Crossing, something like this:

If that happens though, I do think it'll also be automatic camera changes. Or maybe we'll get settings for once and can customize our experience for once lol.