Post something good that happened to you today.

for a haircut which in itself was awful, but it was very needed. now im not drowning in hair anymore Yay
My friend's dad is extremely overprotective and thinks I'm flirting with her! So I get to have fun with him over her e-mail which he apparently monitors as of yesterday <3
i remembered tomorrow is me and my boyfriends 9 month anniversary!! i also had my favorite kind of burger
i'm going to go to disneyland in anaheim in about a month !! i'm really excited! i'm also going to go to the san diego zoo & seaworld.
i'm going to go to disneyland in anaheim in about a month !! i'm really excited! i'm also going to go to the san diego zoo & seaworld.

wahhh have fun <3 Disneyland is where dreams come true :lemon:
An elderly British lady went on about how beautiful my hair is
Today/Yesterday got given a collectable apple, loads of art was finished and brought another one of my apples, oh and marshal moved in to my cycling town. Plus it was my birthday yesterday
I got another Genji POTG ayyyy
This time for deflection killing 2 followed by swiftsriking 2