Post something good that happened to you today.

Finally got around to fixing a 7-string guitar somebody gave me for free last year because it was "beyond repair" (which now I've fixed I know actually meant he had absolutely no friggin' idea what he's doing with guitars but decided to mess with it anyway...Thing was a mess...Moron).

My friend also has 2 rabbits and they had babies so I got to go around and play with all the baby bunnies :3 They're adorable.
Spent some time with the last of my friends before they leave and it was great.
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my mom surprised me with some homemade fried chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner

anndddd i feel p confident about my art piece, not sure if i wanna share yet but hhh luv it!
no cavities.........3 year streak

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or 4 or 5 years idr

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accomplishment for me since in 1/2nd grade i needed 6 fake teeth due to cavities ...
Somebody asked me if I lost weight! I don't think I did since I haven't really changed my lifestyle/eating habits, but I must be doing something noticeable! :D
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i got another one of th event thingys in love live so i could do the super practise thing w/ her n now im Happy
I kinda made my made up about a thing which is good cause tbh it's getting annoying when I try to be there and listen and you come off as maybe unintentional but still a bit rude..
I got to play the HTC Vive. Pretty cool experience. I wouldn't mind getting one eventually when the technology improves a bit more. Virtual reality really messes with my mind because it's so immersive, it's easy to forget that I'm not actually there. I was contemplating taking off my controller and setting it on the counter in front of me for a second, until I remembered the counter wasn't real. heh
melanie martinez uploaded new music video

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Got proper help for my cartridge issues, almost. At least they could give me answers and were nice.

I don't think I'll take it further because I don't want Nintendo to go fiddle with my stuff and such especially not losing all my Streetpass Mii Plaza data (I think that runs on system rather than card), then I can be without the "help" to be honest. (Nintendo would have to look and reset stuff just so the possibility of the system being broke is out of the way etc.
talked to my well i guess you could say therapist and she made me feel much better today c:
I was riding my bike to work when all of a sudden my chain jumped out of its gear. I pulled my bike over to the side and was trying to figure out how to get it back in when this woman on another bike pulled up next to me. She asked if I needed help, and then helped me get my chain back on its gear.

It's small kind gestures from strangers like this that still make me believe that there is humanity and genuine kindness in this world. :blush:
Got together with an old best friend, had Chinese. Might meet up with a couple older friends from high school tomorrow too which is cool