Post something good that happened to you today.

I talked to someone new today and he seemed nice. I might have come off as rude when we said bye though, I hope he didn't think anything of it..
I got to play with my kitties, one of them came on my lap. It was so cute. c:
Well technically today but I actually stood up against my mom. I mean.. we won't be in your way, we can eat before or after you and we don't watch your shows. We can go to the movies, out eat etc. etc. so yee
i got a 1lb container of clover seeds!, im planting some first thing in the mornin
I passed my GCSEs! I got two As, four Bs and three Cs! I start my new sixth form on the 7th of September!
The links to the hardware and software assignments I have to do for class are broken, so the teacher said we don't have to do it! Less homework! Yay! :D
Passed all of my GCSEs ^^ Got some money for it, and now I'm waiting for delivery on an Xbox one ^^
I completed the landscaping of an area in my town, I've spent two months trying to get the PWPs for it, and it's finally done. :blush:
Something good? That's hard to come by lmao
But I texted my best friend today. It's small, but it makes me feel so much better. She moved last summer and school without her is so hard. I got to talk to her today during one of my classes I was feeling especially lonely in, and she made me feel better. Just a little something that made me smile today.

So to answer the question; I got a text from my best friend today. ♥
I felt pretty good today overall and I got to do something fun with my sister~
Had Sprite. That's fantabulous in my books, I never get full sugar, ALWAYS strictly diet pop. I'm glad though, don't know what position I'd be in if I had full sugar all the time instead.