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~*"*~Post Your Daily Chore List for ACNL~*"*~

well this is all i do

-check mailbox
-check zell
-check campsite
-check that lil nooks shop
-go to able sisters
-end game
-TT to next day

guess it's really not that interesting haha
-Check Mail
-Comb over town for fossils, bell rock, and ore rock
-Appraise fossils
-Kicks, Labelle, Able Sisters, Leif (just until I get the golden axe), TIY
-Sell fossils, cataloged items, ore, and anything else I don't want
-Take remaining purchases home, put new song in stereo

On days with no fruit, I'm done there and can do whatever I want or quit. Otherwise...

-Harvest perfect peaches, take home for storage.
-Harvest non-native normal fruit. Start with oranges, then pears, apples, and cherries. Sell.
-Harvest exotic fruit. Durians, then persimmons, then lemons, then lychee, then mangoes. Sell.
-Harvest tropical fruit. Coconuts down the beach, bananas on the way back. Harvest peaches. Sell.
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Main/Private town:
1) Read mail
2) Check campsite
3) Check turnip price
4) Walk in front of all of my villagers

Cycling town:
1) Cycle

I'm mostly in my cycling town though.
- Get mail
- Maybe read it.
- Be lazy about reading it.
- Dig up all the fossils
- Donate (if anything.. probably nothing to donate) to blathers.
- Buy out all of the items on main street.
- Check out nook's homes.
- Usually decide I hate everything.
- Still haven't remembered to read mail.
- Wait until afternoon
- Feed the fish guy a fruit, get an emote.
- Remember I got the mail earlier, take the presents, open the letters, read 1% of it, trash it.
- Break the random rock with an ore in it.
- Talk to all of the villagers.
- Save and quit.

..also get my hair done somewhere in there if it was a disaster the previous day.
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- Read Mail ( if I have any )
- Talk to my neighbor Rod if he's outside ( he moved literally like 4 inches away from me :p )
- Shop at T&T Emporium + Able Sisters
- Dig up fossils/gyroids
- See if any hybrids spawned
- Landscape and water flowers
- Look for ore and money rock
- Clean out my closet for any things I don't need
- Talk to neighbors for awhile
-At 7 pm, go bug catching at the island and continue doing that until I get bored :D

Very long agenda :)
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1.Read Mail
2.Talk to rosie and punchy (or vise versa sense they both moved right next to my house)
3.Check campsite
4.Get hyrbids from hyrbid garden
5.plant them next to the pathways
6.check all shops
7.water flowers
8.TT to the next day
-Read mail
-Make my way around town watering flowers
-While watering flowers dig fossils and talk to all villagers, fake rock and bell rock
-While watering flowers check town tree and campsite for visitors
-Finish watering flowers, buy everything at Nook's
-Mail everything I just bought to villagers I'm trying to get Pics from
-Sell all my junk I just gathered that I don't need
-Talk to villagers again if I feel like it
-Update dream suite
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Read Mail
Dig up fossils and gyroids, get the ore
Talk to all my villagers, or at least my favorite ones
Check campsite and bulletin board
Sell the stuff I've gotten from villagers
Visit all the stores
Do tasks for villagers and get coffee

And then I do whatever else like visit the island.
1. Read Mail

2. Dig Up Fossils

3. Check Rocks

4. Get Coffee

5. Sell Fossils I already have and Gems

6. Go to stores

7. Chat with everyone in town

8. Go to island to keep up and tan and if I feel like it catch and fish stuff for Bells

9. Do whatever

10. Go to bed
1. Read mail, fetch my watering can, and read bulletin board.
2. Make 1 round trip around the map to greet villagers, check rocks, dig up fossils/gyroids, re-arrange flowers if new ones sprout out, water roses, and drink coffee (lol).
3. Sell anything I don't need at Re-tail so I can have room for items from Ables, Kick's, and Nook's shops. Also access my fossils and find villagers in the Museum while I'm there.
5. Do a bit of landscaping and interior decorating, some villager requests, special guest requests (Campsite and Gulliver for example), etc.
6. Catch bugs at island after 8pm.
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Okay, so heres my chore list...

1.) Read Mail (If I have any)
2.) Check bulletin board/ Police Station for any updates
4.) Dig up stars and sell fossils/gyroids (I have my fossil section in the museum complete so I just sell/give away fossils)
5.) Water hybrids
6) Pluck any weeds
7.) Hit the fake/money rock
8.) Tan
9.) Fish/Bug catch
10.) Sell junk that's in my closet
I do the same. :p
- Get and read mail.
- Harvest presents from said mail.
- Check if hybrids bred.
- Become angry that the ones I wanted to breed didn't.
- Water said hybrids, foolishly believing they'll do better next time.
- Make a Snowman-of-the-day. (WINTER ONLY)
- Roll the slots on the preexisting Snowmen. (WINTER ONLY)
- Become angry again when the numbers rolled are absolutely useless for all/most of my characters. (WINTER ONLY)
- Whack money rock and ore rock for the day.
- Anger intensifies when the final 8 000 Bell bag fails to emerge from the money rock.
- Check Nook's Homes, Ables' and T&T Emporium for the day.
- Too angry to care about the junk for sale that, of course, I do not want.
- Sell all crap accumulated up until now. (Approx. an inventory's worth.)
- Talk to the one villager that is bound to have need of my services at this point.
- Hope and pray desperately that they will ask to move.
- They don't.
- Rage quit. :3
I don't have a an exact list but I always make sure to:
  • check the mail
  • find the money and ore rocks
  • find items for my room themes
  • check the bulletin board
  • find fossils/gyroids
  • shake fruit if they're there (just shook all of mine yesterday to get over 21,000 because I was broke...)
  • talk to villagers at least 5 times
  • check to see if there are any special guests at the plaza/beach
  • shopping
  • go to the island for bugs, fruit, flowers, and to tan (I just got it today but I'll be sure to do this.)
That's about it.
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well this is the chore list for my absolute perfect dream town
♥check mail
♥check campsite/police statin/retail/bulliten board/shops. buy anything i want ;p
♥talk to villagers while watering flowers at the same time
♥dig up x spots
♥other stuff im still adding stuff ;v;
-Check mail
-Talk to favorite villagers
-Do shovel stuff (fossils, rocks, etc.)
-Go to museum to get fossils identified
-Dream Suite update
-Check plaza for special guests
-Go to Re-Tail to sell extra stuff
-Interact with villagers more/do other town stuff (PWPs, paths, flowers, etc.)
-Go to island
mail, of course
dig up everything and do ping errands along the way
identify fossils then sell them along with whatever else i picked up
water & organize flowers, trees
do whatever is in the plaza
make sure i talked to everyone / general errands again just because

weekly: update dream suite, island for beetles / steal flowers / medals, etc
- Check Mail
- Talk to Julian (he lives right beside my house)
- Check for new hybrid flowers and arrange them to proper spots
- Water flowers
- Talk to villagers/Dig for fossils/Check out town for new things such as campsite or visitors like Redd or Sahara.
- Go to the musuem
- Go to stores or plaza to check out new things
- Talk to villagers and do requests
- Sell stuff to Reese
- Put down new PWPs or new patterns on the ground

Normally that's it
-Check mail
-Check Lost and Found and Retail
-Check the campsite
-Check Snowmen for Bingo numbers, and get every number except the ones that will get me a Bingo
-Check shops
-Talk to my villagers
-Wander around my town for a few minutes, trying to figure out what I was supposed to do next
-Log off
-As the game is saving, remember that I hadn't found my money rock for the day
-Reload the game and hunt for my money rock
-Deposit money into ABD
-Put my 3DS in sleep mode while I go to do something else, but get distracted and forget about the game
-Come back a few hours later and see that my 3DS is almost dead because I forgot that I didn't have it plugged in
-Plug in my 3DS, then save and quit and turn off my system
-Repeat the next day.
Well, my chore list is pretty much:

1) Read Mail
2) Check Bulletin Board
3) Check all shops and buy things that I don't have for the catalog
4) Find the Stars and Dig them up
5) Assess Fossils/Store Gyroids
6) Get Money/Ore Rock
7) Work at the Cafe
8) Put Coffee Beans on the Flea Market
9) Water Plants
10) Talk with Villagers/Run Villager Errands
11) Go to the Island
12) Sell Island Stuff
13) Check Campsite
14) Organize Closet
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