Post your ideas for Nook Mile uses.

Use them for the following:

✩︎unlock and upgrade
✩︎fortune cookies
✩︎Buy special items inc:
Wallpaper & flooring
Foods inc; fruit/pants etc...
Eyes/noses/mouths/skins/hairs & wigs/eyes & eye colours & contacts/freckles/accessories etc
✩︎Islands? As in New Horizons lol
✩︎House models/exterior/interior/chimney puff shapes etc...
✩︎Backpacks/Tools etc...

And much more... I think the Nook Miles will be extremely handy! (✌︎?罒`✌︎)
i’d like them to be used for unlocking recipes for things you can craft, exclusive items and/or buildings such as the museum :3
A possibility I've been thinking about recently is that they will be used to get fortune cookies, as we don't have play coins on the switch. Maybe they could have the fortune cookies from Pocket Camp as well, which would cost more Nook Miles than regular ones, and rotate every once in a while? They'll probably also be used to unlock recipes.
A possibility I've been thinking about recently is that they will be used to get fortune cookies, as we don't have play coins on the switch. Maybe they could have the fortune cookies from Pocket Camp as well, which would cost more Nook Miles than regular ones, and rotate every once in a while? They'll probably also be used to unlock recipes.

that’d be cool! i’d love if the fortune cookies from pocket camp were in new horizons
I believe they'll unlock additional locations to which we can travel.
i think they'll probably give us recipes and act as maybe badges or a premium currency? like if you have x amount of nook miles you get a permanent discount at a nook store or something, but that would be kind of useless when nook's items are so cheap anyway. i like the idea of them being used to unlock things like buildings (perhaps even bridges?) but i would have liked them to be buildable instead, or perhaps locked behind time (but that would suck if you have to wait 7 days to get a museum; poor homeless bugs and fish). i wonder if they work like MEOW coupons where you can complete a task every day and get some, or if the nook miles tasks are permanent and achievement system-esque rather than lil quests.
I like it might be a means to get more recipes. If it does unlock other islands, I wonder if we can go to friend’s island’s who have it unlocked and use the unlocked island too. Kind of how people wanted to go to people’s towns who had the Emporium or Kicks.
Personally, I just thought that Nook Miles were just an updated version of the badges that Badge Man Phineas gives out. I never thought about them unlocking things. It might be interesting if they unlocked some stuff, but I wouldn't want it to be anything big like holidays or anything like that. Maybe some special recipie unlocks?
I think they will be like MEOW Tokens (I think that's what they're called? I haven't played NL in so long).
I think they’ll mostly be used for unlocking recipes, and customization.
For example, you’ll receive a net recipe for each set of bug-catching challenges you complete.
Or if you buy a set amount of shoes, you’d unlock an option to change the color/pattern of a pair of shoes (same with hats, shirts, etc).
What if you can unlock different structural designs for the airport by completing traveling challenges?
I believe they'll unlock additional locations to which we can travel.

That kinda what I am hoping. I kinda want this new game to have some kind of exploration feature where you can travel to new island and explore them and stuff especially with a friend.
Since Harvey appears to be on another island, possibly a newer version of MEOW coupons.
Hoping there is a bit more to it, but I would not mind a slightly improved version.
I saw someone post awhile back (not sure what thread it was on) suggest they be used to build up/unlock buildings and things like that. I thought it was a pretty cool idea.