Post Your Town Map

my town map:

yooomy map.jpg

Introducing, Memoria the third. It's pretty similar to my launch day down, which is pretty cool honestly. I got the grass pattern and the train station design I was hoping for.

Introducing, Memoria the third. It's pretty similar to my launch day down, which is pretty cool honestly. I got the grass pattern and the train station design I was hoping for.

Ooooohhhh, such a pretty map; so clean!

Btw, how did you take such a high-quality screenshot?? It's really vibrant!
I am resetting now, as I kinda rushed when I was looking for one last night! I am gonna call my town Merange! These are the things I am looking for in my perfect Town: No narrow parts that's are useless! Oranges as fruit, some of my dreamies, re-tail, town hall in a good place and that's all, maybe a pirate beach

Apart from where Chrissy's house spawned, I'm really happy with my town. I'm going to make a new bridge and demolish the one that's there currently.
I miss my very first town. Looking at these maps makes me wonder what the tons are rally like in game, because my map looks like crap, but the bottom half is looking really good in game.
After resetting for several hours, I came across this beauty. Definitely keeping it, the Re-tail and plaza are perfect. I have yet to kick my villagers out yet and plot-reset, however.

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I don't know if this counts as a good map or not, but I'm happy with it anyway :)
seriously how
those starters. rng was def on your side thats for sure.
also it's a very nice map lol. how long did it take resetting? o.o

I spent about seven hours or so getting it perfect! I've been moving villagers in and out over the last few days though, here's how it looks now! (ignore Henry's house to the right of the town hall I'll be getting him out soon, he was an accidental move-in!)
