Post Your Town Map

Sadly the town I created for the one year challenge got deleted because of the broken card this summer... BUT I found my old cartridge not so many weeks ago! I'm so happy to be playing in this town again ♥

Town name: Patril

Thanks, I made this town years back and reset for ages to get it! I'm so fussy about certain things - I have another cartridge somewhere with a world that I reset for about a week to get haha! Will try and post it if I find it :) This world has a special place in my heart though!
My town of Factor!
Native fruit: Oranges
Other fruit: Lemon, apple, banana, lychee, persimmon
Favorite villager: Hugh
Least favorite villager: Charlise
Villagers: Peaches, Egbert, Diana, Wendy, Rolf, Flip, Kidd, Charlise, Hugh
Main Street unlocks: Super T&T, Kicks, Museum 2nd floor, Club LOL, Dream Suite
This is my little town, its native fruit is the cherry and I've got square grass. My favorite part is the river that winds through the middle. Current residents are Sprinkle, Sterling, Diva, Drake, Maple, Ruby, Filbert, Peck and Rodeo. I convinced Puddles to move here via the camp site earlier today so she's hopefully here tomorrow

The town of Memes!image.jpg
Whoops I took it upside down.
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map of Kaysoa


villagers (in house order left to right): jeremiah, shari, tybalt, coco, marshal, piper, octavian, june, kabuki, olivia.

Mayor Name: Raven (she moved from Ossipri to a town simliar to Ossipri lol)
Town Name: Imperios (like Ossipri this name also came from a random generator)
Native Fruit: Cherries
Town Hall Color: Green
Train Station Color: Green
Grass Shape: Circles
Villagers: Tutu, Rhonda, Rory, Alli, Wart Jr. and Pashmina All but Pashmina are starters


  • Layout is similar to a town I stuck with so hopefully that will help me stick with this town
  • Tutu is a starter
  • Town Hall and Train Station are the same color
  • River pool is not annoyingly in the corner of the river
  • Only two ponds
  • Plenty of space for PWP
  • Rocks are out of the way for the most part. There is one rock thats actually in the way but I am going ti figure out how to work around it.
  • Starter villagers are not terrible
  • Cherries are native. Cherries are my favorite native fruit in this game followed by peaches, then apples, then pears, and lastly orange.
  • Room at the top near my campground entrance for my campsite, I dont have to wait for a villager to move out to build it

  • That aforementioned in the way rock but nothing a little creatively wont fix
  • I dont like the Retail with that small pond because that Retail is the hardest one to landscape in front of but again, nothing a little creativeness wont fix.
  • Circle grass is overrated, I would have liked square grass this time but whatever, its just grass that would be covered up anyways.
  • I would have preferred a west beach

In all, Id say I'm pretty good with this map. To be honest, Im probably going to try to do a replica of Ossipri because I liked what I did with Ossipri and I regret restarting that town so Imperios will be kind of be a revival of Ossipri.
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Circle grass and apples, I love them both!

- Huge pirate beach with a nice little recess for pretty landscaping
- Central plaza
- Plenty of space for PWPs
- I only need two bridges so I can have more slots for other PWPs
- Nice corners of land for benches/thermal pools/hammocks/picnic blankets
- The waterfall is on the southern cliff, it looks so pretty

- The rocks are not exactly in the way, but some don't look very good (I have one directly south of the plaza)
- I didn't reserve myself a less accessible piece of land for my main house, so new villagers often move in near it and I have to spend time forcing them out
- The western side of the train fence is empty because nothing fits between the house of my favorite villager, the campsite and the fence


triangle grass, & apples ♥

favorite villagers: lucky & ankha!

other villagers: walker, bones, hopper, mitzi, deirdre, diana, bob, & goldie!

all the buildings are up by the train station!
a LOT of space.
villagers put (most) of their houses in good spots, without plot resetting!
ponds are in a good spot.
ocean waterfall is in the south so it's pretty to look at, especially over the bridge!
my mayor's house is very secluded, but also close enough to the river that i can plant cedar trees!
apples are my native fruit & perfect apples are really cute in a witch/forest town.

absolutely no idea why ankha thought it was a good spot to put her house there.
almost TOO much space, i don't know what to do with all of it!
also it's hard to find my villagers with so much empty space!
would have preferred a map with the huge beach.
i need so many more trees........

i just need to plan out stuff more, i guess! there's just so much room idk what to do with any of it
Town Name: Aurora
Date: 29 Ago 2013
Town Hall Color: Green
Train Station Color: Blue
Grass Shape: Circle
Villager: Blanche, Cranston, Flora, Gladys, Phil, Phoebe, Queenie, Apollo, Sterling, Elvis
Starter villager: Flora, Drago, Whitney, Hamphrey and Mac.

- 6 permanent rocks
- 2 ponds
- good map design
- nice position for Town hall, Re-Tail and Plaza. They are aligned and close
- small beach
- South waterfall

- Villager random distribuition, i didn't know i can soft reset for them.. I would have wished they were together in left side.
- ORANGE >:C Peach, apple and Cheries were good... Only pears were even worse.
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I've got square grass and apples (thank god)
I'm doing a gothic halloween themed town!

-so much space for pwps!
-only 1 pond and it isn't in a bad place
-plaza is in the corner and right next to the rv camp
-town hall is on the north side of town (I hate it when it's in the south)
-retail is near the docks (my icon is over it sorry)
-the river is straight-ish
-I've got the perfect spot picked out for my house
-there's this cute little rock by the river that I'm going to make into a sitting area
-apples are my native! I almost cried when I saw them, I wanted apples so bad

-I wish the river didn't dip down like that, for me it's always so hard to do those kinds of areas.
-the beach is very wiggly
-I wish that small piece of beach was a little bigger
-I can't figure out where to put my alt's house, there's no good spot.
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- lots of open space
- I like the windy river spitting my town in half
- I love my spot for my mayor?s house
- the plaza is in the top left corner which is logically the best place for me
- retail is near the train station

- I don?t like the east beach, I barely use it because the jetty is on the other beach
- the annoying thin strip of land where I?ve placed my cafe (wish I?d put the police station there!)

edit: I've uploaded the pic from my phone and I can't seem to rotate it, wah :(


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GOSH I MIGHT HAVE FOUND THE MAP. It looks good but if it had anything but apples as its native fruit, itll be ruined

The house placement i love and the long beach is amazing but i hate all the villagers and the fruit is cherries. 1539296977554592691971552159470.jpg this was reset# 7

Really close to what i wanted but its not my perfect town
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My town maps :)

I have 2 towns, Steeze and Fluxing. I've been working on Steeze recently. Need some suggestions of where I can put the campsite.
I think either right of the town tree or south west of the town hall but I need ideas!

This is Steeze.


Steeze has a more natural feel to the river and placement of buildings. Mayor's house is hidden away on a private secluded bit of land with the lake placement making a cool little walk way between the cliff and the lakeside making it the only way to get to the house. It only has 5 permanent rocks which from my experience of map resetting, it's good.

This is Fluxing


Fluxing is my symmetrical style map. All buildings align across the map to the square. Centre town tree and my character is stood on the reset centre.

Hope you like them. :D
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