Post Your Town Map

Got a good spot for Bluebear ^^
just below the cafe

I had second thoughts about this map, but I've fallen madly in love with it.

I'm about to break down and finally build a cafe. I'm thinking of building it to the east of Re-Tail, right on the other side of the pond. Objections?

Had to restart a bunch to get this, which is so much better than my old map. Not sure if it's the best I could've chosen, but I still like it :). BuT OMFG I put the police station in the worst location possible, I must've been on drugs or something
Here is my map. 4 Ponds, eight rocks and a short winding river. Very fun to work around.


My map now compared to original. Moved a lot of people in and out.

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I had second thoughts about this map, but I've fallen madly in love with it.

I'm about to break down and finally build a cafe. I'm thinking of building it to the east of Re-Tail, right on the other side of the pond. Objections?

Your map is like a reverse, mirror image of mine!!! I'm madly in love with mine too, even though it's the first map that popped up when I started the game!
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I don't really like it anymore :( And I really regret the placement of the Police station and the caf?...
The town of Iselia

Here is my map! I thought about restarting but people here made me fall in love with my layout all over again :)Circle grass, apples, blue town hall roof, green train station, things are relatively close together, private little place by the river for my house. Also lots of room for PWP. The open area by the coffee shop is a park and the open area by my house and the pond is a fancy garden. I love that my town tree is by the waterfall. A south facing waterfall would have been nice, but my having a long beach with a side facing waterfall makes it much easier to fish and catch bugs during the summer.

Come visit! Dream code: 5900-3310-5900
Town: Iselia
Mayor: Melody
Fruit: Apples
Villagers: Kiki :D, Puurl, Pashmina, Cally, Bubbles, Knox, Lopez, Goose, Kidd

(The picture below is an earlier version of my map before I got those two pesky villagers to move out of my fancy garden PWP area :p


  • Iselia.jpg
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Here's mine. The Re-Tail shop isn't as close as I was aiming for, but it's still pretty decent (In my opinion).
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Welcome to VileEdge Population: Matt
It's purrrrfect :3
Got my main buildings and tree up top~
A private beach~
A simple river, that allots a piece of land where I may place my house~
A waterfall in the background of my private land (where my house will go)~
And the beach entrance is near my house~
Brb moving in

My map is really similar to yours.

Town name: Fiji
Fruit: Peaches
Mayor: Olivia (me)
Favorite villager: Bob <3


What I like about this layout:
- Only one pond, which is perfect because more will just take up some space
- The town hall is next to the station
- The retail is next to the dock so it would be easier when I want to go to the island to sell
- The plaza is like seperated in an island just for events and my house
- My house is right next to the Waterfall where i can hear the water :) and the private beach is right in front of my house which is cool
- Really big map space to put up PWP

What do you guys think? :)
What I like about this layout:
- Only one pond, which is perfect because more will just take up some space
- The town hall is next to the station
- The retail is next to the dock so it would be easier when I want to go to the island to sell
- The plaza is like seperated in an island just for events and my house
- My house is right next to the Waterfall where i can hear the water :) and the private beach is right in front of my house which is cool
- Really big map space to put up PWP

What do you guys think? :)

I really like your town. ~ I'm a fan of maps with huge amounts of space to do what you want with, and your town hall location means you have to actually walk through that land often aswell.
I'd like to know where you want your campsite/police station and cafe.

Here's my newest town, Frosting. ~ had since end of October, but only recently got it up to scratch.

Villagers: Zell (by mayors house), Diana (infront of Cafe), and then clockwise around the loop goes; Fuchsia, Fauna, Bam, Beau, Erik, Deirdre, Lopez, Bruce.


And here's my map with my bushes (rather roughly) and the path I follow drawn on - which is no longer a natural path after the heavy snow. The white dots are flowered over paths which were semi-worn underneath, and my current route to the plaza while I wait for the final bridge to be suggested.


And yes, I walk the ridiculously long route around my town to get to main street from my house multiple times a day. :p
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this is my town!! the map is a bit old, as this was taken before a villager moved in and bob had moved out. i have a sidewalk that goes all around town, so i can run everywhere, hehe :-D

Here's Horai! This makes my 5th (eh, maybe 6th... 7th?) NL town; I was starting a new copy for funsies when I fell in love with this map (I was intending to move my old town over to digital copy from physical, haha). I have Cole, Fauna, and Tiffany as starting villagers. It has so many things I wanted: apples, circle grass (star snow!), plaza in a centerish location (on its own little island!), and only 2 ponds. I love it so much.

If anyone has suggestions of where I should put my campsite, reset center, cafe, and police station, I'm all ears. I'm not building them until I'm sure I'll love the location forever.