Post Your Town Map


I'm pretty proud. Francine is moving northwest of Chrissy, and Chrissy is by the town plaza. Want to clear that up since it's not shown.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, people where wondering how to upload pictures from your 3DS.

Go to town hall and go to demolish a project.
Take a picture of the top screen.
Go to on your 3DS.
Anonymous or login, either one.
Upload pictures :3

Decided to go ahead and get a second game in order to reset. I love my new layout so much! Although I wish the town hall was farther north and the rocks will take some getting used to! My house is the yellow one. I plan to turn the western side of the river into a villager neighborhood for my favorite villagers. Town fruit is Cherries. Starting villagers are Ozzie, Diana, Genji, Vic, and Tabby. Diana is the only one I will stop from moving out, although I would like to get Genji and Ozzie's pics first.

Here's my town map! The blue houses aren't permanent (at least not the one in front of the train station!).
By far the most impressive thing about my town are the rocks -- I only have five and not one of them is in an awful inconvenient spot. :p
But I love having Retail so close to Main Street.
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I like my map, although I could've placed the campsite a little differently. Oh well!

Peach town! :3 I resetted a few times just to get my lovely buttfruits because they are pink and pretty and awesome. Plus, I love that Re-Tail is close to the station. And my two big beaches. <3

I plan to move out those two villagers at the bottom (Chops and Blanche) and get everyone on the higher island. I hate Chops so much though, he blocked the area that I wanted a bridge on, so my third bridge (farthest left) is built awkwardly and blocked by his house and a rock. Plus he's right next to my house, and it's like who gave him the right??? >8I

Love my map, though, definitely. I love huge islands. :D
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This is my town map MiraLuna. When I first played it i didnt know maps could be so important so I just randomly picked one. Regret it now orz. Dont like that there is too many ponds n rocks in my town :( Also having trouble planning my path because im bad at it. Any feedback is appreciated ! Was contemplating to reset my town but Fauna and Merengue is in it :(


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This is my town map MiraLuna. When I first played it i didnt know maps could be so important so I just randomly picked one. Regret it now orz. Dont like that there is too many ponds n rocks in my town :( Also having trouble planning my path because im bad at it. Any feedback is appreciated ! Was contemplating to reset my town but Fauna and Merengue is in it :(

I think you have a great map!
I think you have a great map!

Really ? Orz but i have trouble keeping everything in place ie: where to put paths, where my police station would be. All these is giving me headache D:
Really ? Orz but i have trouble keeping everything in place ie: where to put paths, where my police station would be. All these is giving me headache D:

Places paths where you walk the most! You can always test them out a couple days and then replace some if you don't like.
yoona aV.jpg

Here's my newest town. I reset a week or so ago and I'm super happy with it. :)
It's much better than my old one.
I'm especially pleased with my villagers' house placements.

Fruit: Pears
Grass: Triangle (I don't really like triangle and would have preferred square but oh well it doesn't really matter haha)
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well I like everything about my layout except where my villagers put their houses
i wouldn't reset anytime soon, but now this is gonna bother me after lurking the maps on this thread

Fruit: Cherry
Villagers: Mira, Wolfgang, Lily, Beau, Diana (funny that her snooty personality put her house away from everyone else's...shes the house by the campsite), Bunnie, Lopez, Bruce, and Doc
Snow: is circle shaped and idk about the grass
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Ok I finally got around to putting up a picture of my town layout that I worked so hard for! I wanted apple or cherries as native fruit, but I decided I was ok with anything that was not oranges. Perfect pears are golden so that should be pretty in a fairy tale themed town:) Some of my villagers need to move away from around the town hall so I can landscape it. But, yeah I love my layout:

-Blue Town Hall
-Blue Train Station
-Circle Grass (star snow)
-South facing waterfall
-Town hall not near a cliff
-Town tree not next to re-tail
-Re-tail at the top of the map in the corner and out of the way of PWPs
-Secluded area for the mayor's house
-I LOVE the big holding pond right in front of the town tree!
-Cove area on the beach
-Golden Pears!
-2 ponds (not blocking anything)

Town: Clarence!
Fruit: Oranges
Times I needed to reset to get it: 3 or 4 times I forget
Why I love it:
-Pirates Beach
-There was a special spot beside my house for my exotic orchard
-the ocean was on the bottom and right (idk why I just think having the ocean on the left is weird)
Finalized Map:



- Axel
- Merry
- Lucky
- Fang
- Stitches
- Francine
- Marshal
- Chrissy
- Phoebe
- Marina

Townhall: Blue
Trainstation: Brown
Fruit: Cherries
Grass: Triangles
I'm pretty happy with mine.


I need to update now that Whitney's moved in (down on the opposite side of the ramp from The Roost, displacing a peach tree), but I'll wait until Kody moves out. I like having a current map of my fruit trees because it helps me figure out which ones to re-plant after someone moves in, and it helps me plot out the best route for harvesting. Oh, and the Nobody emblems are perfect peach trees. Long story.
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