Post Your Town Map


I've had this map for a while now... however I stopped playing in November due to burning out from plot resetting so much as well as doing a 32 villager cycle. BUT now I am back from hiatus!

Things I love about my map:
A straight path from train station down to the beach.
My villagers all are close together therefore I get to eavesdrop on many of their conversations with each other.
I have my house on my own little (somewhat) island
I have a little private beach that is only accessible by swimming
2 ponds therefore I have plenty of space for PWPS
Retail being close to the docks makes it easy for me to sell things when bug hunting.

Things I wish i had:
Apples as my town fruit... Perfect Apples just look so nice but I tried resetting for what seems like forever to get my ideal map AND apples.

I truly like maps with these rivers, I think they're so nice to put your house on the right of the river & you have room for gardens, etc. right beside the house.
Hey guys so I made a new town the other day and I think I really hit the jackpot with this map. I was preparing myself for the long haul of resetting dozens if not hundreds of times trying to get the right map layout, but then I saw this and I thought it was too good to pass up. Please let me know what you guys think, do you like it?


-Town plaza in the middle of town
-Town hall close to town plaza
-Retail very close to train station to make it super convenient for selling turnips, perfect fruit etc.
only 1 pond
-Southern facing waterfall (where you can actually see it *O*)
-A nice peninsula space where I can have my house and land next to it to myself and yet I can build a bridge to the left and be able to access other parts of the map easily

-Orange as native fruit (perfect fruit that look like pears with tumors on them FTL)
-I don't know for sure but it seems to me like I have less land to work with than other maps. That could also be a good thing as well but i'm not sure how I feel about it at the moment.
-Not a lot of land mass might mean future problems with placing PWP.
-Bottom part of the map is a lot thinner so I feel kind of limited on what I can layout down there.
- You have to turn right and go down the path to get to the beach which is slightly annoying but nothing major
-Rock placement around town plaza isn't ideal in spots
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Here's my updated map. Better quality too!
My villagers' house placements are getting worse and worse. I want them all to be in the bottom near the beach. :(
I may have to start resetting.
bump!!! would love to see more town maps especially updated ones with pwps like cafes, campsites, police station etc!
Here's my map and a few pictures of my town :)


Diana and Zell have houses just south of the Cafe, and Chrissy has her little home south of the Town Hall. Lyman and Molly are near ReTail, and then Lucy, Lolly, Chief, and Lucky are in the center half between the rivers.

Here's mine with a mapped version. Been playing since July last year and it has come a long way since then. I have 8 permanent rocks and all of them are placed in the right places. Still working on the flowers and houses at the moment before I update my dream address though. I'm really proud of it! I'll be sure to ask you guys for a review. ;)


  • payon town map layou2t.jpg
    payon town map layou2t.jpg
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Here's mine with a mapped version. Been playing since July last year and it has come a long way since then. I have 8 permanent rocks and all of them are placed in the right places. Still working on the flowers and houses at the moment before I update my dream address though. I'm really proud of it! I'll be sure to ask you guys for a review. ;)

Awesome job. I can't wait to check out your dream town once you're satisfied with it and will update.
You guys have some great maps! If I could figure out how to post my map, I would. .

play the game > open miiverse on your 3DS > click post > select bottom screen option from the screenshot button > hit post > go to miiverse on a computer > save image to comp.

and now, for my own map :3 (Rosewood)
town map.jpg
Been trying to get rid of Eugene who plopped his house next to my train station (and on my rose hybrids! D;)
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Town: Lilycove
Mayor: RiceBun
Fruit: Apples
Villagers: Ankha, Bangle, Bam, Beau, Deidre, Kiki, Marshal, Deena and Al.
Favorite villager: Kiki ^-^ <3

town Lilycove map.jpg

I had to reset quite a bit because the fruit I got was more important to me than town layout. I kept getting cherries >.< and I really wanted Apples, they look beautiful when perfect. I quite like my town layout to be honest, all my main buildings are up so really that's all I could hope for. I also managed to get the cafe next to the town hall, so Isabelle doesn't have to go far for her coffee.
Edit: I also had to make sure I didn't get a silly looking river, like a river that runs up the map and defies gravity lol I had to make sure river was flowing down.
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here's mine :)


Town name: Sunniday
Fruit: Cherries

I love my map so much. I got it when I first started so I didn't know there were so many maps to cycle through - I thought once Rover was like "this one HAS to be it" then that was all the choices you had. So I just randomly picked one I thought looked the coolest. Oftentimes that will lead to one being disappointed with their map in the future, but it's been almost 3 months and I still adore mine. I love that the river cuts diagonally through my town and I like that I have a great amount of space on both sides of it. I also like that my waterfall is front-facing. :]
Here's Lilycove c:
My native fruit is Apples so I get to stare at those lustrous orbs of delicious <3
I'm quite happy with this layout, except my bridge placement got buggered up thanks to replacing a bridge after I built the police station so there's a weird bend in the straight path down

Everyone's hanging on the South-side of town except Coco the rebel

The maps Rover showed me were horrible aside from this one so I'm trying my best to work with it.