My town for the last 2 years and some odd months
Just started playing AC:NL for the first time on July 14th of this year. I don't really know why I put this game off for years :/ Picked up a copy for myself at last and has been stuck in this cute villagers hell. My life this entire summer has been glued to my 3DS smh. Here's a photo of my town map. I'm standing at a full 10 villagers at the moment.
Thanks for posting a pic of your town! I am amazed at how many ponds you have - the most I have ever seen is 5, and you have 6! In one of my towns I have 4 towns and I actually love them. Your map looks really interesting!
And don't worry about the time lost - I played New Leaf for a short while when it came out; got mad that my flowers weren't breeding, etc. and gave up completely. I came back in late March, and now here I am, devoted to the boards. It's amazing how quickly you can catch up for lost time. This summer has been the best Animal Crossing summer for me, and now there is autumn to look forward to!
Just started playing AC:NL for the first time on July 14th of this year. I don't really know why I put this game off for years :/ Picked up a copy for myself at last and has been stuck in this cute villagers hell. My life this entire summer has been glued to my 3DS smh. Here's a photo of my town map. I'm standing at a full 10 villagers at the moment.
How do you get the houses of your villagers on a row?
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This is the map of my newly reset town. It used to be Balamb, but is now Cleyra (Final Fantasy IX FTW!)
I'm going to eventually have three bridges branching out from the town square (bottom, left, and right) and since I'll already have all of my perma-villagers, I won't need to waste space on a campsite.
I really love the placement of the town square, and I don't really see this layout used very often, which makes it even more awesome!
View attachment 147467
This is the map of my newly reset town. It used to be Balamb, but is now Cleyra (Final Fantasy IX FTW!)
I'm going to eventually have three bridges branching out from the town square (bottom, left, and right) and since I'll already have all of my perma-villagers, I won't need to waste space on a campsite.
I really love the placement of the town square, and I don't really see this layout used very often, which makes it even more awesome!
Congrats on finding a map you love! I love having the town tree in the center, but I always have a villager in the spot where I want to put my mayor's house. It has prevented me from keeping the map many, many times. Layout looks good! So excited for you!