Prefer MoriDB lists or listed out in a post?

MoriDB or written out?

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I like MoriDB for a lot of items. I'm a visual learner so just having the name there isn't enough for me. I remember things by how they look so it's a lot harder for me to know I have an item if the only way I can identify it is through the name. Plus, MoriDB lists are easier to edit. The minute someone says they can get you something, you can open the wishlist and remove it from the list. If you're using a list in a post though, you have to go all the way through and edit the items from the post. (Which is super hard if you're the type of person to format your posts.) But! If you're only looking for like five items a MoriDB list is just dumb. Like, someone's gonna have to open a whole new tab and wait for it to load just to see five items that you can get from Timmy & Tommy??

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It's still annoying when people do that pastel pink/yellow size 1 fonts.

I squeaked laughing at that oml

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for house items I definitely prefer mori
for gardening/flowers a list is preferred

Yeah. Especially since you can't specify numbers on MoriDB
It's easier to read exactly what I want or what anyone else wants if I look at moridb lists. There, it has the exact name of the furniture/clothing/hat... etc and what it looks like. And to be honest, I usually list a lot of stuff, so it's easier for everyone to look at lists. But I am imagining there are a lot of people that can cope without moridb.

I only just started using it three days ago when someone gave out a link to their wishlist on moridb, I didn't even know that it existed! It is a very useful tool. Once I finish, I'll show everyone what's in my catalogue, what I haven't got, only for cataloguing (you spell it "catalogue" in Australia and Britain, okay?), wishlist, proud possessions, and furniture that represents the Professor Layton series. (You probably need to play the series in order to understand how I mean by that).
MoriDB is pretty useful because of the photos of the items: my game being in French, and the names not always being literally translatable, it certainly helps to have photos. Also, when you look at someone's wishlist, you can easily see if you own or are looking for some items of theirs if you yourself created lists :)
Moridb, but I didn't know what it was at first and occasionally, I forget or skip it if I think my list is short or understandable enough. :cool:
I like both! As said before if it's short I'd prefer if it's written here! But big Moridb wishlists can be quite annoying too.
I also really like Moridb because it's useful to find items (especially their english names, since I play in French! :lemon: )
i used to prefer written-out lists way more, but as i stay on this forum im beginning to find myself appreciating the moridb lists a lot more. maybe because theyre listed in alphabetical order, and have the proper names of items?
I prefer having them listed here. I've been playing the games for so long that I remember just about every item, so I don't really need a visual. Also I'm not a fan of clicking on links, especially from users I don't really know.