Prince Boo's Mansion

I don't know how SPORGE is being a very good sage to other members because he's createing millions of threads about his stupid little bunny.
Fossil said:
I am mad at everyone who made bunnies fight.....

and even those with the non-bunny movement.

Bunnies were never made to fight. They were supposed to be somthing you support for a greater cause, not just for beating the heck out of eachother and making endless topics and bases about it. The bases I say are Smart Techs and SPORGE's.........I'm so very sad because I'm going to withdraw my own bunny from ever exsisting until this pointless conflict ends. Its the internet and you can't hurt anyone no matter how hard you try. These bunnies were meant for fun....!

I'm sorry, Fossil...I'm dissapointed I went too far. Everyone forgive me...


(Grabs dynamite and passes it around* Here's a present!

I have to admit one thing...... this whole war is my fault. I had to make a bunny and reviving many other bunnies to be made. But now I will be fighting against the cause that I have sparked. If I just hadn't made Fat Bunny, then this wouldn't happen. I'm sorry.

Yea. At least he bunnies wern't banned COMPLETY. At least we will get to 100k in a more sacred way.

Uhhhhh..... I got to go. :lol:


Well that's outside the mansion so It's ok.
Lone_Wolf said:
Sorry to tell you guys but I'am quiting my job,but I'll be visiting
Awww who will be my ninja rival???

:'( :'(. *salutes* :ph43r: :ph43r: :ph43r: ....see ya....*hides in trees*
Not me. I am a sorcerer of the elements. If you want, though. You can train in this newly built
Ninja Training School, right next to the mansion! WOO!