Prince Boo's Mansion

Gah.......fine -points to your HQ- *is being peed on and is in flames and is teepeed by retards* does that show how much people hate you when your evil? -walks off to cool for you and just got shown your a fool and closes the door with the "DO NOT DISTURB" sign up- I'll be sleeping because I'm good and good people are rich....... -laughs loudly-
PKMNMasterSamus said:


:eek: *uses force to take pee and put it on every single fossil

:p changes do not disturb sign to Disturb.*
From now on...... I shall ignore you. Because I have meant to do this for a while and I have had enough.
I will chop your heads off with my new golden axe if you don't stop getting wierd.
-takes golden axe and chops off OCM's head- There will be no chopping of the heads while I am around, because thats my job!!!!!!!!!! -gives axe back and turns away and rampages off as a Mastadon because I shapeshifted-
Sorry, but I'm going to be leaving the Mansion...


But before I leave I will add another...

987654321,987654321 Floors!


Thats because this place is filled with losers...........Joking! Its just all the people that gave us stuff to talk about have left the forums temporarily or stopped coming.
I didn't. I wanted to withdraw her because Sith Bunny stinks and makes a bad name for bunnies which makes my bunny 'evil' because lots of people are with the Anti-Bunny thing.
After wolf left no one else is a ninja :'(, now I am the best, but no one goes against me :'(. Everybody is leaving

:'( But... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: not me

:D yay!