Prince Boo's Mansion


Welcome back my friends (and enemies) to my Mansion! I have no idea what happened when I was gone so I'll just start over! Well???? What are YOU waiting for?????????


(btw there is no MM, or Mansion Money)
Let's go ahead and distory this castle so there's 2 floors, I made way too many floors before...
Coolio! There are only 3 floors though. *everyone looks and sees that the house is back to normal* Don't ask how.

OCM, gimme uhh...... Trix cereal with 2% milk (mysterious MOOOooooo from nowhere)

and big, clean up that mess *the ice cream went right through me*
Ok. Quickly get's stuff.

Here you are..... :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
<small><small><small><small><small><small> I gave hime 3% milk. April Fools PB. </small></small></small></small></small></small>


hmph.*pulls rope hanging from ceiling*
*OCM falls through a trap door and somehow ends up on the roof*
3%is practicly cream you dumbo....
Why must I always fall through trap doors?

Hey a Chamber door. I don't remember this.

*Fat Bunny Runs Out and Attacks*


Muahhahahah! (seriously, shes like, in charge around here)
She has just as much power as me around here.
And she can hurt you.....alot.... :r
PrincessBoo said:
I know prince boo! all hail PrincessBoo! or else.....

Pb you didn't tell me about this.


Anywho welcome Pb2.

:p Remember to follow the rules and you are good.