Prince Boo's Mansion

*comes out* BooooOOOOOOoooooOoOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOO *throws 1,000,000,000 ninja stars in the air*

I shall take your request OCM, Koehler, prepare for combat!
PrincessBoo PROBABLY won't be on...shes just this girl I know... I showed her TBT and I told her to name herself PrincessBoo lol..... Anyway shes not REALLY in"PrincessBoo".....honestly....! :lol:
* Marvin flys through the door and kicks you both*

Booo boo bo bo boooo!! :mad:

He doesn't sound happy guys. RUN!!!
what you talking about PrinceBoo I'm alwyas on! I just forgot teh site's name.... oh well w/e I will be on this and I do have lots of power! :jay: :lol:
>_< Why don't you bookmark it. So I got a message from Darth Sporge that unless we destroy the glitch on the star he won't suppy us with our ghost hunting supplies.

oh y and no slicing my head off!! :mad: PrincessBoo and I'm not just some girl PrinceBoo I'm an ouseme girl!! ok who wants to work for me?? tell me what you wanna be and I'll see if I can make use for you!!
PrincessBoo said:
oh y and no slicing my head off!! :mad: PrincessBoo and I'm not just some PrinceBoo I'm an ouseme !! ok who wants to work for me?? tell me what you wanna be and I'll see if I can make use for you!!
Oooooo I voulnteer first. I get all the work from Pb I need a break from him.
sorry that umm...PB gives you a lot of work, but I won't.



p.s I did bookmark this site oddcrazyme! >_<

p.s#2 Me and PB aren't dating!! who thought we were? <_<
PrincessBoo said:
sorry that umm...PB gives you a lot of work, but I won't.



p.s I did bookmark this site oddcrazyme! >_<

p.s#2 Me and PB aren't dating!! who thought we were? <_<
It was a joke. :r :r :r