Giveaway prismatic egg

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I’d love to enter. This is so amazingly sweet of you!
ahh so many names i will add to a randomizer haha, wish there was a quicker way hmm
ahh so many names i will add to a randomizer haha, wish there was a quicker way hmm
You can just count the amount of enteries and use a random number generator set to pick a number between 1 and that amount, that's the easiest way I've found! :)
You can just count the amount of enteries and use a random number generator set to pick a number between 1 and that amount, that's the easiest way I've found! :)

omg thats so smart tysm i feel dumb hahah, i'm gonna do that!! in b4 i win my own egg ;)
Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 22.36.05.png

omg sorry for being so late!! congrats marielle!! will send over eggo now! thanks to everyone who entered <3
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