*Private RP! Please don't post unless you were invited! Thanks*



Its better than anything I could do!

On a totally un-related note: (No really, I was going to post this earlier I swear lol) his glasses aren't the normal clear/white color. They're kinda like a dark reddish shade.
No idea! But that's pretty cool

I made a sketch of Kuu

it's kind of lazy since it's 11 PM and I've never drawn a magikoopa before, but this is my interpretation. Needless to say, I'm not much of an artist.

@Riley just gotta wait for DarkOnyx and Pharaoh to submit apps!

Okay, sounds good. :)
Hello! ^-^ With the end of the school year approaching and all of the event planning/ going to events I'm doing, I'm afraid I'm too busy. I apologize, but I'll have to drop out. D:
The OC I originally wanted to use hasn't been updated in a few years, so I have to sort that out before I post her profile. I guess for now I can use these three idiots, which I'll do separately.

Name: Mimi

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Usually has a pink hat, t-shirt, shorts, and gloves. Very small in stature. Has gone through some appearance changes through the years.


Personality: She'll often charge into things without really taking a moment to think about them. She loves enriching herself through experience, and thinks the more adventuring she does, the better prepared for heroism she'll be. She tries her best at everything she does, but often becomes easily distracted or put-out if it doesn't go quite her way. Still, she's pretty optimistic on a daily basis and longs to make her dream of heroism come true.

Backstory: Mario-verse. Was born in Glitzville. Parents both worked at concession stands. Mimi got to see fighters come from all around the world, but a very special one caught her eye, by the name of Gonzales. Since then she followed Gonzales' fighting career and came to know him as the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom knew him- the man in red, the great Mario! Ever since, she wanted to go on grand adventures as he did and fight as a true hero! Head in the clouds and starry-eyed, this little gal hopes to one day do great things, just like her idol.

Abilities: Mimi has a very special hat that a very old and forgetful man once entrusted to her. It allows the wearer to interact with magical blocks that can sometimes be stumbled upon within the many kingdoms. Not very many people have much experience with these, and few have claimed to be able to use it, but if 'tapped' into correctly, one might find a very pleasant flight with one of them, or so they say...

Weaknesses: For all her youthful optimism, Mimi is still a young girl who is learning a lot from the world and through those she meets. She wants to do good things and help others, but she's prone to mistake and gullibility very easily.


Name: Steve the Shyguy

Age: We just don't know.

Gender: A very high possibility of being a male, but one isn't sure.

Appearance: Wears a green, striped hoodie. The standard white mask. (In gijinka versions, I usually give him orange poofy hair, as depicted above)

Personality: Steve is...whatever one needs Steve to be. He often acts how he perceives situations call for him to act. He's constantly playing "roles", as if he's auditioning for a part in a play that he's never gotten. He'll claim to have experience in various jobs- being a chef of a four star restaurant, a hotel manager, a businessman, a lawyer, a castle guard- also add pathological liar to the list. Whether Steve himself believes he has lived out these multiple lives and professions is a whole other story, but he seems to take great pride in telling everyone else about his "accomplishments."

Backstory: Steve lived in his village for a number of years, and strangely enough, took on all of the jobs there, including Police-Guy, Fire-Guy, Lawyer-Guy, Executive Chef-Guy, and Detective-Guy to name a few. When a few Shyguys from his village go missing inexplicably, he tracks them down ‘Sherlock Guy’ style, only to find that they’re already dead. Since he was the only one that was able to find them, the village’s logical reasoning was that Steve himself must’ve killed them and planted them there for himself to find. He claims to be an innocent guy but without apprehension of the real killer, he can’t prove it. Thus he was cast out of his village to wander the world, partially in search for the one true killer, and partially distracted and not remembering he was cast out in the first place.

Abilities: Steve is only as skilled as the people he pretends to be! Blind confidence, perhaps, but it may offer some use to people in a tricky situation. He's a very good character actor if nothing else...

Weaknesses: Steve lacks conviction. He's also very forgetful, and tends not to worry very much or think about things at all, not even when it comes to less than favorable things happening to himself!


Name: A.J. Koopa
Age: 15

Appearance: (next to Mimi as pictured above)

Personality: Unlike Mimi, he's not very positive about anything, and certainly doesn't understand her longing dreams for adventure and dastardly foe-defeating. Even though their personalities clash at times, they're an inseparable pair of best friends. While he might be the more cynical of the two, he only serves as a realist to keep Mimi grounded, at least a little!

Backstory: His father wants him to enlist in Bowser’s army when he's older, but A.J. is rebellious against the idea entirely. Mimi and him first meet at a very young age. At first the young koopa can’t stand her, but upon venturing into the local junk yard out of curiosity-he’s almost mauled to death by the guard Chain Chomp- she leads it away with the ice cream she had and ends up saving them both. The two have been friends ever since.

Abilities: As a koopa, his shell provides protection, as well as a sliding ability to be able to propel himself at a fast rate into enemies to knock them off of their feet.

Weaknesses: He's young and doesn't know a whole lot more about the world than Mimi does, and his negativity sometimes does affect his mood and experiences.

Phew! At least I got that out of the way. :D
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@DarkOnyx I'm sorry to hear that! Hopefully we can RP in the future!

@Everyone else, here's the first post!

Spodumene jumped as a loud sound interrupted her reading. The boom was shortly followed by an equally scary, but slightly delayed, miniature earthquake. These had been happening for days, but none of the other gems knew what it was. She decided to do a bit of exploring on her own. As she always said, "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!" and detective work was no exception. But, almost the second she stepped out of her house, her stomach dropped and she started falling. A large hole had opened up in her front yard and before she knew it, she had landed on the hard ground with a crash. There was someone, or something, standing over her.
Mr. Graganachi had been hurling through space for some time now, not sure if he'd make it anywhere in this endless hurtle of his. He looked up and saw that gravity was sucking into this strange world that he didn't know. He ended up being drawn in faster and faster, and he caught on fire, making "Ow" noises as he tried to stop burning. He got closer and closer to the ground, until finally he crashed into the ground in front of a house, creating a huge crater. Mr. Graganchi then proceeded to stand in place, falling asleep while standing, as one of his unexpected naps had occurred. Little did he realize there was someone right in front of him....
Mr. Graganachi had been hurling through space for some time now, not sure if he'd make it anywhere in this endless hurtle of his. He looked up and saw that gravity was sucking into this strange world that he didn't know. He ended up being drawn in faster and faster, and he caught on fire, making "Ow" noises as he tried to stop burning. He got closer and closer to the ground, until finally he crashed into the ground in front of a house, creating a huge crater. Mr. Graganchi then proceeded to stand in place, falling asleep while standing, as one of his unexpected naps had occurred. Little did he realize there was someone right in front of him....

Spodumene was a little dazed considering what had just happened. She just blinked at the little sleeping creature in front of her. She wasn't sure whether to wake him or not, so the gem just stared and massaged her temples in hopes of relieving her aching head.
Mr. Graganachi snored a little bit and then opened his eyes slowly. He saw a strange looking feminine creature in front of him, massaging her temples. [*Cue Xenoblade Chronicles Riki music* Also, Mr. Graganachi has the voice of Riki*] "Ah! Who is this! Mr. Graganachi no know anyone like this! Master Kirby, where are you?!" Mr. Graganachi shouted as he looked around. However, he saw a much different world than before. This world looked like it was inhabited by an entirely different species than what Mr. Graganachi was accustomed to back in Kirby's Dreamland world. "Oh master Kirby. I failed you." Mr. Graganachi said as he sat down. He opened one of his eyes while the other was still shut, and then stood up and looked at the feminine-like creature. "Hello! My name is Mr. Graganachi! Who is you? What planet is this?" Mr. Graganachi asked.
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"I'm... Spodumene. And I have no idea where we are." Her voice was deep, but still fairly feminine. It seemed very musical, too. "Nice to meet you. Also, what's a "Kirby"?" She added air quotes onto the word Kirby. "It sounds fake..."
"Nice to meets you, Spodumene! Oh, but Master Kirby is not a fake! Nots, I say! See, I come from world in which Kirby is puffball like me, but pink and with red feet. He is able to suck in enemies to gain their powers, and then deposits them away! Yes, yes!" Mr. Graganachi replied. He pulled out a device which had all of Kirby's dreamland world data on it and gave it to Spodumene to read over. "Here, take this. Device help you understand!"
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"I must've hit my head pretty damn hard..." The gem muttered as she read over what Mr. Graganachi handed her. "Well." Is all she could say. She bent down and handed the device back to the creature.
[Oh haha, I haven't checked TBT all day.]

[I'll put Kuu in tomorrow, its like 1:30 and I'm too tired to use my roleplay brain.]
Mr. Graganachi took the device back. "Nows you see! Master Kirby is reals, on a planet far away from here! Too bad can't serve him now... Since I landed on new planet, us Waddle Dee have tradition see! Yes, yes. If you manage to defeat me in battle I will accompany you and serve you as my new master! But I warn you, Mr. Graganachi be pretty fearsome in battle!" Mr. Graganachi put on a new signature blue bandanna and took out his spear.
"Alright." Spodumene laughed. This couldn't be too hard. She stretched for a minute, then said, "Ready!"
"The forest has been taken over by Goombas!" A voice shouts. Hijaikku falls out of the tree he had been sleeping in. "Wha..?" All around him there were swarms of Goombas running aimlessly through the trees. "How did this happen!? No no no not today!" A Goomba trounces on Kuu and knocks him over. He gets up and kicks the Goomba. "Where's my..." Up above Kuu sees the purple glow of his wand. "Great." He attempts to climb up the tree but the ground is shaking making it difficult to stay balanced. Kuu falls off of the branch he grabbed onto and hits the dirt. More and more Goombas pour into the forest. One Goomba pushes Kuu, then another, and another. Eventually they roll him down a hill. "Stop it! What is wrong with you things?!" At the end of the hill there was an empty log. Kuu flies into the log as he watches his tree, and his wand, fall to the ground.
"Here I come!" Mr. Graganachi said. He disappeared and then reappeared behind Spodumene using his lightning speed. He then proceeded to swing his spear with full force repetitively to try and land some hits on Spodumene.