Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: Usually has a pink hat, t-shirt, shorts, and gloves. Very small in stature. Has gone through some appearance changes through the years.
Personality: She'll often charge into things without really taking a moment to think about them. She loves enriching herself through experience, and thinks the more adventuring she does, the better prepared for heroism she'll be. She tries her best at everything she does, but often becomes easily distracted or put-out if it doesn't go quite her way. Still, she's pretty optimistic on a daily basis and longs to make her dream of heroism come true.
Backstory: Mario-verse. Was born in Glitzville. Parents both worked at concession stands. Mimi got to see fighters come from all around the world, but a very special one caught her eye, by the name of Gonzales. Since then she followed Gonzales' fighting career and came to know him as the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom knew him- the man in red, the great Mario! Ever since, she wanted to go on grand adventures as he did and fight as a true hero! Head in the clouds and starry-eyed, this little gal hopes to one day do great things, just like her idol.
Abilities: Mimi has a very special hat that a very old and forgetful man once entrusted to her. It allows the wearer to interact with magical blocks that can sometimes be stumbled upon within the many kingdoms. Not very many people have much experience with these, and few have claimed to be able to use it, but if 'tapped' into correctly, one might find a very pleasant
flight with one of them, or so they say...
Weaknesses: For all her youthful optimism, Mimi is still a young girl who is learning a lot from the world and through those she meets. She wants to do good things and help others, but she's prone to mistake and gullibility very easily.