Prize Pack Game Introduces New Collectible Series

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Here's what I got in my prize pack >.<


Thanks so much for my letter and everything T-T
I want to use the stickers....but I don't want to....hnnn I don't wanna waste them
any chance of a heads up re how much these character collectibles will cost in the shop?? *A*
I think I've figured out who villager 2 is...

- - - Post Merge - - -

Never mind people have already guesses it :p
No, it was just the pillow and perler beads that included a prize pack. The other ones (amiibo, download codes, etc.) did not.

Yeah this is accurate, sorry for any confusion. The reason being that the amiibo for example were purchased directly from Amazon, so obviously we can't package anything with them. Whereas the pillows and perler beads were directly shipped from TBT, so it's trivial to throw in the prize pack.
No my keyboard is broken...... .......... ..., . .,. ,.,, ............. ... ,,, ,,, ,. .............. ....... ........ .......

stab the broken keys that should stop them from typing things in :}
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Aw, I didn't get my prize pack yet. :( I want to play the game.

Also I must get a Jack collectible. I can't wait until Halloween! *Throws all my tbt*
Finally got home today! Here's what I got in mine. I absolutely love the Katie sticker! ^_^


Also shoutout to Jeremy and his awesome (terrible) drawing and hand writing. xD

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