I always have yo. Just judge on a case-by-case basis what they’re saying about you or trying to keep from you. Be confident in your own viewpoints.
The way I view it, I don’t want to live with my parents forever, so I put myself first. Simple as that. If you want to move out eventually, you can live how you want then. They shouldn’t dictate your lifestyle, just step in if you’re genuinely doing something harmful.
It’s easy for me to say though, because my parents never truly accepted me. I don’t listen to them about lifestyle, dreams, etc. They moreso expect me to love them just because they’re my parents, even though they only give me negative reinforcement with things I care about and leave their problems on me. i.e., they never say I have a good idea or treat me well when I’m responsible, they just tell me not to do stupid things (which is absolutely everything, apparently) and only focus on my problems. And they didn’t help me find work or get back to school, I even pushed for them, but they let me down on those needs. They are awful role models. Learned to make my own judgements instead. I’m bi when as far as I can tell my own dad is homophobic and c’mon that’s just wrong of him. I’m bigender and my friends can’t understand, let alone my parents, given my specific relationship with them I think saying it to them is more effort than it’s worth.
So not trying to cause some existential dread, but if my parents really hated me for what I want in life- nothing criminal, malicious, etc- do they really love me, or do they just love having a daughter? My sister is a lot more “normal” and cares about family values, and they certainly give her more love. /:
If it isn’t too much to ask I’m curious what exactly you want in your lifestyle that they disapprove of? If it’s just something like a fashion statement, I think you shouldn’t listen to them. Also, if you’re still in your teens, it’s honestly a great time to do “stupid things” you can bounce back from sooner and grow from. There’s so much I wish I could have done when I was young but was outright stopped from doing, and now have too much responsibility for me to enjoy it, or just don’t see those things the same way, etc. You’re living in the present. Enjoy it. Now if you’re under your parents’ roof then yes maybe there are things they don’t want in their home that should be respected, but it depends what it is and don’t take nonsense about getting to do things “one day” or “eventually” if they use it as an excuse for everything. Good luck.