Proper Grammar


Sep 20, 2013
How important is proper grammar to you? I’ll say that it is very important to me. I always make sure my sentences are punctuated correctly, even on forums and such where it doesn’t really matter. I’ll use proper grammar in text messages, too. The only exception is when I’m screwing around with a friend and we’re just going back and forth.

Is it a dealbreaker for you if someone uses absolutely horrid grammar? I’m not talking a few misspellings or wrong punctuation here and there. I’m talking someone that literally types something like this:
“i herd u went 2 da store n bought drinkz n food”

People who do that most likely do that on purpose, but you get the point. Would poor grammar be a dealbreaker if you were interested in that person, or does it depend on how bad it is? How do you feel about proper grammar?
Personally, grammar and typing patterns don't matter to me as long as it's still easily readable. It's just a matter of being considerate towards the recipient of your message: if it's too hard to read, you're creating more work for them. I'm the type of person that usually types with all lowercase letters and uses u instead of you, but that's to communicate a more relaxed/non-serious mood (I think using different types of writing to communicate different moods is useful, especially since it's hard to interpret tone through text). When I'm writing longer things (i.e. paragraphs of text), then I'll switch to typing properly as it's hard to read otherwise!

With that said, I do feel a little... (´。_。`) when people use the wrong you're/your and their/they're/there, but I've learned to ignore it (not everyone has English as their first language, and of those that do, that's sort of a judgement on the level of education they received/were able to receive which doesn't sit right with me. I don't mind if other people correct it, but I just personally don't like doing that anymore.)
It's pretty important but it doesn't have to be perfect textbook type grammar. Just well written enough so I can read it. I try to do my very best but I'm not perfect either.
proper grammar is not at all important to me - the only time i use proper grammar is for serious things like school/career. i like to misspell stuff on purpose, use excessive punctuation, frequent emoticons, and sometimes type in all caps because i feel like it reads closer to how i want to come across! it's funny cuz when i was little i used to get very smug about people using the incorrect you're/your and now i do it wrong all the time for fun.

for example: I think if I were to always type like this, it wouldn't feel the same way. I might sound more serious than I intend, and I think it gives a more professional vibe than how I'd like to be seen. It also doesn't work with my sense of humor, because it wouldn't be obvious when I'm joking.

i've almost looped back to typing how i did when i was 9 LOL. it just makes me feel more like myself online!
up until a few years ago, i used to use proper grammar everywhere, including in text messages and DMs. when i look back at it, i lowkey cringe lmao. now i use lowercase almost exclusively -- not only in text messages etc. but also in fics that i've posted online. the only time i'll use proper grammar is if i'm corresponding with a stranger in a formal/official setting or asked to. that being said, the only difference between my writing style and "proper grammar" is that i don't use capital letters -- the rest of my punctuation is perfectly fine lmao. (apart from when i'm using, like, multiple exclamation/quotation marks for exaggeration.) i've got no issue with people who use proper grammar, even in texts, but it personally makes me feel stiff/uptight so i don't do it anymore. also, there's just something more... satisfying? about all lowercase to me that i can't explain.
I'm not terribly bothered by how other people write! So long as I can understand what they're saying, anyways. I definitely do not have perfect grammar by any means lol so it would be terrible of me to judge people for it.

How I choose to write and the level of spelling/grammar I'll put into it depends on where I'm posting and who I'm talking to. If I'm posting on the forum I try to stick with using full words and sentences in an attempt to be better understood. Sometimes I'm worried that I don't make sense when I talk and I feel like if I were to write in more of a joking way that it would make it worse. I do love using little smiley faces and hearts though which I think (and hope lol) make my messages seem a little warmer! 🥰

When I'm in the less serious threads or talking with friends about less serious matters I'll type with shorter versions of words! I definitely play it by ear, lol. Some conversations and some people just lend themselves better to talking in a more joking way. I have a friend who I almost exclusively text all in caps just... because it's fun, lol. We talk in lowercase letters when it's something more serious. I have another friend who, for the most part, types with perfect grammar and spelling but then when we're feeling silly we'll start typing with hashtags and text speak for the hell of it 😂

I think as long as I can understand what somebody is saying and they're not being mean it doesn't matter how they choose to write in an informal setting. 🤷‍♀️
I used to care a lot more about proper spelling and grammar, but now I don't really care. As long as I can easily tell what someone is saying, then I don't think it matters much. Language evolves over time so it's silly to get super hung up on semantics.
When writing official documents and responses, yes that's important for me.
Now, online, most of the time I try to make it good but when it comes to English it's a bit more difficult as I learned almost by myself and copy what I read online. If I learnt a sentence from someone with 'bad grammar' I probably will not know until someone points it out :v
If someone "talk 2 me liek that doe" I'll assume they don't care about me and the conversation and it annoys me a little.
as long as something is legible, proper grammar doesn’t mean a damn to me, personally. i see enough of strict grammar and sentence structure when i’m writing academic papers or going over articles, lmaoooo

sure, stuff like the “i herd u went 2 da store” can be a little hard to process for a sec, but as long as i can figure it out without needing who i’m talking to to clarify what they’re saying it’s all good.
I like to use proper grammar in all settings. I don't care if other people use proper grammar or not in informal settings as long as I can read it, but it does bother me when people are careless with grammar at work (you'd be surprised what I've seen...)
I like to use proper grammar in all settings. I don't care if other people use proper grammar or not in informal settings as long as I can read it, but it does bother me when people are careless with grammar at work (you'd be surprised what I've seen...)
Yeah, that’s understandable. I use proper grammar for myself, but I don’t mind how other people type, as long as it’s not completely illegible.
In personal conversations, I don’t really care at all. I’m just talking to a friend, not writing an essay. If there’s a major typo I might fix it, but for the most part, everything is kept how it comes out. (Though I guess for this situation, improper grammar is more about capitalization/punctuation rather than usage)
Personally I don’t mind how people write online. I try to type with proper grammar though because that’s how I actually speak. If I didn’t I’d become self conscious of whatever typos I make.
I try not to care too much about it. The only thing that really bugs me is if someone writes in all lower case and doesn’t use any punctuation at all. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone here do that, but several people on another forum write like that and it’s annoying to figure out what they are trying to say.
I make sure to use proper grammar myself, but I don’t care if other people use it or not. I won’t go out of my way to correct someone, but I just keep everything formal as an example that others can follow.