PSA: RS will be closed on New Year's Eve


Sasha of New Poku
Jul 5, 2013
I looked into the event, and hadn't seen anyone post about this yet. Without spoiling anything else, Resident Services will be closed from 5 AM on the day of the event, meaning you'll need to get any infrastructure projects and whatnot done before Thursday. Your log-in bonus won't be negatively affected, and you'll be able to visit normally the next day.

If you want to read up on the event yourself, here's where I got my info.

Some good advice from @Raz :
Also, if you still don't have the Nook Shopping App on your Nook Phone, you won't be able to order anything from the catalog or from the special selection tabs on Nook Shopping, as you won't have access to the ATM (which also means, you won't be able to withdraw money or print NMTs with the RS closed).

I HIGHLY suggest that you guys withdraw a decent amount of bells today (Dec. 30), around 200k would be ok - it's possible that an expensive item that you still want/don't have becomes available at Nook's Cranny and you won't be able to buy it if you don't have the money in hand.

Today is also the last day to order the limited New Year's food items - such as the ramen and the cider - if you don't have the Nook Shopping app on your phone. For those who have the app, you can still order them using the app, as you don't need access to the ATM in order to do so.
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Oh thank you! I was just about to look this up lol. Was wondering what there was gonna be to do on New Years!
Aw that's kinda cute. I like the fact that they're closing it, I think it's good for them to do little things like that. It helps make it feel more immersive and realistic, and sorta makes the holiday seem more significant. I wouldn't mind if they did little things like this more that were slight inconveniences but completely understandable and realistic. I wish they'd not be afraid to take more steps like that.
Also, if you still don't have the Nook Shopping App on your Nook Phone, you won't be able to order anything from the catalog or from the special selection tabs on Nook Shopping, as you won't have access to the ATM (which also means, you won't be able to withdraw money or print NMTs with the RS closed).

I HIGHLY suggest that you guys withdraw a decent amount of bells today (Dec. 30), around 200k would be ok - it's possible that an expensive item that you still want/don't have becomes available at Nook's Cranny and you won't be able to buy it if you don't have the money in hand.

Today is also the last day to order the limited New Year's food items - such as the ramen and the cider - if you don't have the Nook Shopping app on your phone. For those who have the app, you can still order them using the app, as you don't need access to the ATM in order to do so.
@Raz I hope it's okay I added your post to the first post, since it's good advice and I doubt most people will read through the whole thread.
@Raz I hope it's okay I added your post to the first post, since it's good advice and I doubt most people will read through the whole thread.
It is, absolutely! And you're right, as my experience with forums tells me most people often just read the title and the first post before replying to a thread haha
Yeah if Resident Services is closed that means you cannot pay your loan, move buildings, or check your ATM. I really wished they would put more ATM machines in other places other than Resident Services.
They should put one inside the airport. It would make too much sense to have one there, as it's the only building in the entire island that never closes, and will always be there.
thank you for letting us now, I did not know that. good to know, I will be prepared ^^
I am glad I popped in to see this. I pulled out a large chunk of my money to store in my house just in case I need it. Especially since I normally only keep about 5 to 10k bells on me at a time.
You are a life saver! I normally deposit all of my bells at the end of the night, so that would have been a disaster for me. :p
Good to know, thanks for the information. Also nice to see that Isabelle and Nook actually having a day off for once, lol.