PSN ID: OneEyedOwl__
Time Zone: GMT
Mic: Yes
Console/Handheld: PS4
Recently Played: Elder Scrolls Online
If any other active eso players in AD would like to do dungeons or trials feel free to add me! c:
PSN: MishMeesh
Timezone: GMT -5 (EST)
Mic: Yes but not a great one
Console: PS3, PS4
Preferred Game Genre: RPG/JRPG, hack&slash, light mmo stuff
Recently Played: Overwatch, Elder Scrolls Online
PSN ID: phoenyx9 Time Zone: PST Mic: Yes Console/Handheld: PS3,PS4, PSvita Preferred Game Genre: most anything but sports games Recently Played: The Wolf Among Us
PSN ID: Millysaurusrexjr
Timezone: EST (for now)
Mic: No
Console/Handheld: PS3/PS4
Preferred Genre: idk
Recently Played: Smite (although I haven't played in a week or two TBH. It's still pretty much the only game I play on PS4 right now)
PSN ID: PoizonMushro0m
Time Zone: UTC -7 MST
Mic: Yes
Console/Handheld: PlayStation 3, Vita, PSP
Online Games: Check my Backloggery for a complete list of games
PSN ID: HopeForHyrule
Time Zone: EST
Mic: No
Console/Handheld: PS3, PSP, PS4
Recently Played: Destiny 2
Preferred Game Genre: JRPG, or FPS for multiplayer.
PSN ID: hikarika-101 Time Zone: EST Mic: yes, but would prefer not to use it ^^;; Console/Handheld: PS4 Preferred Game Genre any type of RPGs! but aside from that, whatever i find enjoyable ^^ Recently Played:Monster Hunter: World, Persona 5, NieR: Automata
Hello my name is Ben and i used to be very active on here a few years after New Leaf, since that hype died off i went back to PS.
games im currently playing are Overwatch, Fortnite save the world and sometimes BR, and minecraft.
PSN ID: locker49
Age: 24
mic: yes
Time Zone: EST
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Hello my name is Ben and i used to be very active on here a few years after New Leaf, since that hype died off i went back to PS.
games im currently playing are Overwatch, Fortnite save the world and sometimes BR, and minecraft.
PSN ID: locker49
Age: 24
mic: yes
Time Zone: EST