PSN ID: AzraelAsylum Time Zone: Est Mic: yup! Console/Handheld: PS4 Recently Played: I play Overwatch almost daily! I’m a diamond healer. High plat dps. Low gold tank lol
PSN ID: Druidsleep5
Time Zone: Uk
Mic: Yes
Console/Handhelds: PS4
Preferred Game Genre: Any games that I can make stuff build or make money, no fortnight or sports games.
PSN ID: varietygamer100 Time Zone: Mountain Mic: I don't believe so (how do I check?) Console/Handhelds: PS4 Preferred Game Genre: Nothing with a lot of sexual content.
Favorite genres are racing, platforming, and simulation/world-building Recently Played: The Crew 2 Subscriptions: PS Now but no PS Plus
PSN ID: MakotoSako
Time Zone: GMT
Mic: No
Console/Handheld: PS4
Recently Played: Ys IX, Ghost of Tsushima
Preferred Game Genre: Action Adventure, JRPG, Open World
PSN ID: bjms02244
Time Zone: PST
Mic: No
Console/Handheld: PS4 Pro, PS Vita
Recently Played: Genshin Impact, Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne HD Remaster, Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far, Yooka Laylee, DJ Max Respect
Preferred game genre: JRPG, Visual novels, platformers, rhythm games