Public or Private School?

What type of school did you/do you attend to?

  • Private school all the time

    Votes: 12 10.4%
  • Public school all the time

    Votes: 67 58.3%
  • Private school most of the time

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Public school most of the time

    Votes: 20 17.4%
  • Public and Private school for equal times

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Homeschool

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 1.7%

  • Total voters
I'm from Canada and I went to public school the whole time but I grew up in a small city where there were no private schools so there were no other options. I wish that could have been an option for me though, I felt really behind everyone else when I got to university. A lot of my university classmates had already learned university level chemistry and physics in high school through AP classes and I didn't because that wasn't even available to me.
I’ve been in private Catholic school my entire life (ages 6-17). It has some advantages, but I’m ready to get the hell out of here. It’s a bubble with the same stupid faces, some who have known each other since birth. The community is also very fake and toxic. Luckily, my family cannot afford to send me to a religious college nor do they want to. College will be my first time in a public school. I’m looking forward to it!
I went to a private catholic school K-8, and now I’m still going to a private catholic school for highschool.
I personally homeschooled all 12 of my grade years (U.S.), it definitely was one of the best decisions I made in my life and it also brought my family closer together as well. :D
I live in the US and I went to private school the majority of my grade school years. I went to a private elementary school which was really intense academically, which I believe was not good for me in the long run and caused me to develop major anxiety issues. I went to a public middle school, which I didn't like because it was the polar opposite of my private elementary school and was a bit of a culture shock for me. I then went to a different small private high school which was ok. It wasn't as academically advanced as the first private school I went to, and was overall very laid back for a religious private school. Also despite being in a major city in Texas, the students in my class had very liberal views (which I appreciated) and I got along well with most of them. The teachers were a different story, and I didn't like the majority of them, plus I felt like they were really poor teachers. But overall I am glad I stuck it out and stayed there the whole 4 years because I was able to "stand out" academically (since it was a small school) which helped me get into a top US liberal arts college.

One regret I have concerning my private high school was that because it was so small, they only offered a handful of AP classes, which caused me to feel very behind from my peers when I started college (again, I went to a top liberal arts college so the students there were extremely smart and qualified). It was an academic barrier for me during my freshman and sophomore years, but by my junior and senior year it no longer impacted me since I had "caught up" on the material I missed out on. However, I think if I had gone to a public high school and taken those AP classes, I would not have been able to stand out from my peers in the long run and perhaps would not have even gotten into the college I attended.
i went to private school for like a year when i lived in the philippines (i think it was kindergarten). then i moved to the states and i’ve been going to public school ever since, including university
In Australia (where I live hehe) every school has a uniform. I have never seen any school without one. I used to go to a public school and I didn’t like it whatsoever. Now I am at a private school and it is so much better! Also, public schools have very bad reputations among most private school kids :/
So yeah, I wear a uniform and it isn’t the nicest thing in the world.
i went to public school. sucked, but school sucked as a whole, so no surprises there. i can't imagine going to a private school honestly, i don't think i would've done well in one
Public schools right through. The primary school I went to was a wealthier public school. There were some opportunities that probably weren't given to your average school. All the teachers I had there were very good actually. I had more of a problem with the other students than the education itself. I got along great with all my teachers, not so much with my peers as I was very shy and quiet.

My middle school was the least wealthiest school I went to, but it had a very broad intake of students from all around the city. I'm thankful for going to this school though as my social skills really flourished in these years having to adapt to a complete new set of students.

My high school was your average school. I went with a single sex all girls school, which was probably a good decision that I don't regret. I completely avoided all the drama, literally avoided it like the plague. I had a good group of friends that I'm still close with. Most of my teachers were fantastic.

The one advantage I think I have over private schoolers is that they're often spoon-fed information and grades in high school. Our education system for high school is fairly easy to abuse, so it's easier for wealthier schools to twist their grades a bit.
I went to public school here. It was literal Hell. I've got trauma babey!!

In High School I moved to online school, but it was still a public school, it was just online. I'm really lucky cause that school was AMAZING.
Went to public-school my wholleeeee life! I'm glad I'm not home-schooled, although, back then, I really wanted to do it online. I think online schooling is really difficult for most, with the pandemic going on and all. I'm glad I decided to stay in a public-school system, even if I disliked it.
I used to say I went to public school my whole life until my mom corrected me that I went to a private school in nursery. Haha.
I'm actually thankful I got to go to good public schools, it helped my parents cut down on school expenses. From kinder to high school I had free tuition (save miscellaneous and books), in college I had to pay tuition but was greatly cut to around 60% of the original because of my scholarship. Post-grad I also have to pay tuition, but it's really cheap compared to private universities. Right now the rent for my apartment every month even costs twice as much as my tuition per semester lol.
All time public school (home-schooling is definitely not of the same caliber here though we do have private schools). Glad I was though there is/was no way I could have been home-schooled in the environment back then.

Though if we speak kindergarten/preschool level I spent some years at my grandmas cause she ran like a daycare-mom thing back then until I was 5-6.
Whilst ideally my family and myself have always wanted more support for public schools, due to a move we made just before I entered high school and a lot of context around that I ended up going to a public school for junior school and private for high school. The school system here (Australia) is very different to the US so high school is years 7-12 and primary/junior is K-6.

Anyway both schools as all do had their ups and downs but generally school was a pretty negative experience for me, especially with high anxiety. There is very little awareness amongst teachers and children. I preferred my private school by far but that isn’t really a reflection on which school system is better so much as specific circumstances. The resources and extra experiences available at private schools was a bonus as well but in the end it comes down to the culture of the school and the quality of the teaching.
Public all the way, even to College/University. I can tell the kids who got to go to private schools in my neighborhood turned out smarter and with better opportunities. Maybe in my next life, I can go to private school too.