Question about transaction log


New Leaf Ghost
Nov 9, 2015
Red Cosmos
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
I'm sorry if this question has been answered before - I did a quick search and couldn't find anything... Can someone please explain to me what these transaction log entries mean:


Im referring to the crossed out entries where it says "spent 9,7 bells" and "spent 3,1 bells". How can you spend bells by posting? I don't think I actually lost any bells. And why is it crossed out?

Thank you very much!
That happens when you edit your posts. I'm guessing you edited the post where you earned 10.1 bells. You made the post shorter, so instead of earning 10.1 bells you instead earned 9.7 bells for the post.
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actually, you earned 10.1 bells for the post, so your edited version must have been longer than the original.

the way editing displays in the transaction log is in this order (from top down like you have displayed):

deduction for bells earned in original post spent X bells
bells earned in the finished edited post earned Y bells
bells earned in original post earned X bells