question about villagers


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2013
i just deleted my old map because it stunk and i began a new game that has an awesome map! my old map had the five star rating and i had a ton of lilies there; but the villagers were cramped together because you need 10 of them to get the five star rating. my question is once youve achieved the five star rating is it possible to kick some of the villagers out of town? my new map is awesome, i want the five star rating but i dont want all the villagers packed in like sardines again.
If I'm understanding this right you want to move out your villager to move out of your new island, once you achieve a 5 star rating. Well it is true you do need 10 villagers to have that rating, it doesn't matter what type of villagers you need on your island depending on what their personality is, you can still have them or kick them out. Now unless if you time travel and have amiibo cards to kick them out faster you would have to wait until your villager has a thought bubble above their head that hey want to move out.
Interesting question as most people want more villager slots (myself included). Unfortunately you can't permanently have empty plots once you've gotten to 10, as the empty plot would eventually fill. What I'd recommend though if you feel your villagers are packed in too much, is to check out different neighborhood layout ideas. A friend of mine has 2 neighborhoods spread out on their map, where 4 houses are on one side, and 6 are in a different portion, and the map doesn't feel cramped whatsoever. Adding levels to a neighborhood layout can also help with it not feeling so cramped imo

You could also have a villager house or two basically on or very near the beach to give a more spacious feeling to your island as well.
my map is odd shaped. it has triple levels, with small strips in between that are too small to house the villagers. i like the idea of checking out the neighborhood layouts though so thank you for that! it isnt too important for me to get the five star it possible to stick to just 5 or 6? or will the game automatically keep carting villagers in?
my map is odd shaped. it has triple levels, with small strips in between that are too small to house the villagers. i like the idea of checking out the neighborhood layouts though so thank you for that! it isnt too important for me to get the five star it possible to stick to just 5 or 6? or will the game automatically keep carting villagers in?

I could be wrong (as I finished the story of the game in like April of last year), but I think you need at least like 7-8 villagers to unlock terraforming. If that's the case, you could just keep the 7 and not put any more housing plots on your island.