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Question for the adults who play...


Senior Member
Jun 14, 2013
Throwback Tickets
So I am just curious if anyone you passed on the street would think you are:

a) A Gamer?
b) Would be carrying your 3DS to street pass?
c) Would be playing AC:NL?

In my case it would be No, No, No - It is kind of funny to see the shocked looks on their faces when I pull out my 3DS to see if had street passed...

It is really just a random curiosity as I shocked about 20 people when I pulled it out at a stop on my last motorcycle ride.
Haha I'd say no on all three counts too. I'm actually a musician and everybody who knows me describes me as having an "old soul" because my music and my personality are so somber and chilled and relaxed. Animal Crossing is probably the last thing people expect me to be doing. :p
im about 20 and I played football and ran track in highschool so im well fit
so if im in an elevator or in the waiting room for an appointment I pop out ac:nl and I get some pretty weird looks.
people I see still think the 3ds is for 10-14 year olds,and me explaining animal crossing too them probably does not help that assumption any hahah
It was interesting to watch the 3DS AC:NL version and the biker subculture mix.

It's so awesome that you're a biker! Haha! Harley. Bandanas. Leather. Beards. "Hold on guys, gotta go get my Summer Solstice present from my shih tzu secretary! LADDER SHADES HAAAAYYY!!!" BAHAHAHA!!!
Yes to all! I work in GAME so people generally know me as a gamer, also another colleague and I always take our 3DS's to work for customers to collect puzzle pieces and street pass etc It encourages more people into the store. As for the last one, if they've been into work recently they saw me playing with the large Animal Crossing cut outs! Dead giveaway. :cool:
No. I have a stern, no-nonsense, super sour sort of default face (you know, the type that makes people realize there is no discernible difference between my happy face and my angry face, even after they get to know me), so I look like I don't approve of gaming or am capable of any activity that may be remotely "fun". But, in fact, I go through phases and get addicted to certain games, to the point of making fanart or writing fanfiction to express my adoration. My last addiction was to Don't Starve, a hardcore, rogue-like (with permadeath) survival horror PC game. Now it's Animal Crossing. Yeah, my taste in games is pretty much unpredictable like that. ;)
It was interesting to watch the 3DS AC:NL version and the biker subculture mix.
What's great is that my wife is a biker chick (how she ended up with me since I've never been on one, I'll never know) and when I showed her New Leaf she gave me this look like "wut?". But after seeing more, she might be interested in playing. :p
People are shocked to learn I'm a gamer. Basically because I'm a girl. Apparently it's rare for a girl to be a gamer? idk.

Also shocked that I would carry a 3DS because they think it's for kids, and since i'm 27...same goes for animal crossing.

Sad, sad, sad. I wish everyone I knew would have one. PLAY ALL THE GAMES! :p
I think it's slowly becoming more normal for adults to game and I'm sure things can only get better!
I don't think people know I'm a gamer and I'm sure look down on me a little when I pull out a 3DS (covered in colorful, puffy stickers).
I'm going to be 23 in a few months, and I'm proud of being a gamer!
I look quite young for my age if I am honest - I dress childishly in pink with panda motifs and cats and bleh all that cuteness <3 But it's only because I used to help run a site dedicated to Japanese fashion, so I'm a bit of a fashionista XD

(although this means I get ID'd for video games rated 15 and scratchcards for 16 year olds)

I guess this means it's not that shocking when people see me pull out my coral pink 3DS with all my hello kitty charms attached to it XD

It's probably more shocking for passers by when my boyfriend plays my DS! He's obsessed with my animal crossing game and I may have convinced this boy to purchase his own DS ;3 (mission successful)

I imagine people are more surprised when they first start talking to me and I talk about MMORPGs and League of Legends - and that I listen to thrash metal despite dressing like a girly princess XD!
Strangers? Probably not. Everyone where I work knows I'm a gamer/otaku/tech geek though. They wouldn't be surprised to see me with a 3DS. I've got one of the Rock Band Bandmates figures, a figure of Saber from Fate/Stay Night, and an shikishi (one of those Japanese autograph boards) signed by Kanon Wakeshima (cello player) on my desk at work anyways.
I'm gonna say maybe to all three. People who know me though are usually a little shocked to find out I'm a gamer, co workers and such don't really know about my hobbies. Dressing like I do usually though I'd say I'd fit the bill of a gamer, or any normal teenager. 19, hoodies and jeans, sometimes a tee shirt with a favorite game, show, youtuber, ect on it.
The age of the average video gamer in 2013 is 30 years old, and the average game purchaser is @ 35. 45% of these gamers are women. There is nothing unique about being a adult, female gamer. I should know, I am one. Yet, despite these facts, people are still surprised when they find out I game. Is it because the media reinforces the stereotype that the only gamers are adolescent males, so we just leave our critical thinking caps at home and accept that? :p

So in response to this:

So I am just curious if anyone you passed on the street would think you are:

a) A Gamer?
b) Would be carrying your 3DS to street pass?
c) Would be playing AC:NL?

Nope, on all three counts. :D
a) A Gamer? - I'm not sure. Anyone could be a gamer, really.
b) Would be carrying your 3DS to street pass? - Possibru. I would keep it in my purse though, since I don't usually wear things with pockets. D8 So it would not be bulding out of my pockets or anything lool.
c) Would be playing AC:NL? - Defs yes because almost everyone I know is playing New Leaf. I think it's pretty popular.